Eternal Return to Creative Everyday: Cindy’s Letter from Abroad

Reflection of Cindy in Ukata in our Ryokan in Uji, Kyoto 2017
Reflection of Cindy in Ukata in our Ryokan in Uji, Kyoto 2017
Reflection of Cindy in Ukata in our Ryokan in Uji, Kyoto 2017, Photos by Eric Kim

Letter from abroad by Cindy

Quo vadis? Where are you going? Where are you?

Eric Kim Cindy Red Kyoto Curtain
Cindy and red curtain. Kyoto, 2017

The last few months have been a whirlwind of work, play, family, art. Afternoons walking along the chaotic calm of Saigon streets, gushing rivers of Kyoto, streams of people in Tokyo. Evenings of quiet contemplation, matcha tea and cocoa, 4 am conversations about life, love, and gratitude.

I have come to realize that to be human is deeply connected to stories. Lose yourself in stories, reflect on the story of a place, a time, a sense of self. Wonder, fear, hope for what the next chapter brings.

Kyoto Bebop by CINDY NGUYEN
Kyoto Bebop by CINDY NGUYEN

This is the story of Cindy for the past few months.

‘An eternal return to the creative every day.’

Creative Everyday by HAPTIC
Creative Everyday by HAPTIC

To be creative is not synonymous with an intrinsic character trait or the possession of some absolute value of talent, imagination, and skill.

It is a state of being, of creating, making, building, wondering.


I have been creating everyday. Sometimes it is a series of words strung together to make meaning of the world. Other days it is a picture, a film, a song, a thing. And then after many hours dancing between the flow of playful creation and hard work, I, Cindy made the following:

Cindy at Weekenders Coffee in Kyoto, 2017
Cindy at Weekenders Coffee in Kyoto, 2017


Playground and platform of artistic empowerment. Highlights include:

  1.  Tokyo Glances: visual poetry, photography, concept by Cindy
  2. Featuring the work of Vietnamese and Japanese artists: Chu Viet Ha, Sean Lotman, Takashi Nakagawa. (Welcoming new contributors and visiting artists)


Feminist library of my writings, art, and work (Welcoming guest writers and contributors!) Highlights include:

  1. MISSFIT filmpoem
  3. Train/Xe lửa, soon to be published in Ajar press


Experiments in making, limited edition production.

  1. HAPTIC LABS Kyoto Internship – with Annette Kim and Jennifer Nguyen in Kyoto where we wrote and designed from A to Z the book ETERNAL RETURN TO CREATIVE EVERYDAY (currently in publication with HAPTIC aka Cindy Nguyen)
    1. Kyoto Bepop filmpoem
    2. Haptic Labs filmpoem
  2. MASTERS BOOK – wrote, edited, designed book (printed in California)
  3. SAIGON SATCHEL – designed by Cindy, in collaboration with local Saigon artisans
  4. ERIC KIM NECK STRAP – designed by Cindy, in collaboration with local Saigon artisans
  5. ARTBOOK – designed by Cindy, in collaboration with Hanoi social enterprise that works to preserve Vietnamese papermaking craft and local village enterprises


Oh, and finished my archival research in Vietnam and started writing the beast of the dissertation.

Cindy at work in Hanoi on her laptop. 2017
Cindy at work in Hanoi on her laptop. 2017

I am sharing this story of Cindy (and Eric) because I want to celebrate with all of you the beauty of life, work, and play. I want to hear your stories and be continually inspired by your creations.

Would you join me in this eternal return to the creative every day?

Selfie with Cindy. Kyoto, 2017
Selfie with Cindy. Kyoto, 2017

Let’s make stuff.

To contribute to HAPTICPRESS.COM or MIS-READING.COM, contact me at or Instagram @hapticindustries

Share with me your art, writings, accomplishments.

The Complete Works of Cindy Nguyen

Cindy at work at cafe, with red light. Kyoto, 2017
Cindy at work at cafe, with red light. Kyoto, 2017

Interview with Cindy Nguyen: On Art and Making Stuff