Why make pictures? To me, it is to enjoy the sweet nectar of life… and to make art to express our inner-soul.
“Life without music would be a mistake.” – Nietzsche (Twilight of the Idols)

What’s the big deal with making pictures?
To me, making pictures is a reminder to myself:
Damn, it’s fucking good to be alive. I love my life, I love being alive, and I’m grateful that my loved ones are (currently) alive, and I can enjoy life with them.

Photography helps me catch the small and precious moments, and it helps me realize:
This is a lovely moment. I’m happy and grateful.

I was walking the streets of Kyoto the other day, just super excited with all the street life.
It made me joyful to see all of my fellow human beings, roaming the streets. Laughing together, holding hands, and exploring.
I was talking with Cindy and my friend Takashi, and thinking to myself,
The (real) world is amazing. So much to explore. So much to be excited about.
You are a picture-naut

– Astro: Other planets (astronomy)
– Naut: Sailor/explorer (nautical)
Picture-naut: A picture and photo explorer
How exciting it is for us to use the camera as a tool to visually explore the world. To make art. To make images that interest us.

To make art instantly, for free (with a digital camera), and to find more beauty and joy in living.
Photography as dancing

When I make pictures with Cindy, we are dancing together. She moves her body, and so do I. We move in sync, and don’t step on each other’s toes. We make visual tunes and visual music together.
I’m a picture MAKER, not a picture “taker.”
Why? I collaborate with Cindy and others to make pictures together. It is a team effort.

Why make Pictures?

Make pictures to make art.
Make pictures to have fun.
Make pictures to find appreciation and joy in life.

You’re going to die. Never forget: PHOTOGRAPHY MEMENTO MORI.