Don’t stay low; glow.
Dear friend,
You were born to do cool and epic shit— don’t stay low, fucking glow.
1. You were born with a GLOW
You have an inner-light. You were given that light ever since you were born.
Your job is to discover your inner-light. And when you have discovered it, share it with as many people as you can.
2. Share your glow with others
Folks are walking around in darkness— trying to find the light. Trying to find their inner-light.
To ‘enlighten’ yourself is just to glow. To know what makes you special and unique. To discover your talents, and to build upon them.
Then to share your talents with others.
3. Even though it is dark, you will still glow
Imagine yourself like a glow-in-the-dark stick.
You glow.
You glow in darkness. You glow when there is no hope. You glow, and even though you might not be super-bright; you stay glowing for a long time.
Don’t stay low to the ground, afraid to share your glow.
Fucking glow— and let others know about your glow.
3 Tips on How to Glow in Your Life (starting today)
Some ideas:
1. Write down your top-3 skills:
Take out a piece of paper and pen, or just do this on your smartphone. Write down what you think are your top-3 skills, talents, or interests as a kid.
For me, I think my top skills include photography, teaching, and writing. Be proud to identify your skills, and figure out how you can combine those skills and talents. For me, that became blogging and teaching workshops on photography.
2. Don’t be afraid to glow:
The biggest problem people have (myself included) is that we are afraid of sharing our glow with others. We might think that others don’t like the color or hue of our glow. We are afraid that they might not like neon-green — they might prefer pink. And vice-versa.
Your color is unique. Let it shine.
3. Wouldn’t you give someone your glow in the dark?
If it is dark, the nice thing to do is to share your glow-in-the-dark stick with someone else. See that little light of yours, and let it shine.
Never stop glowing,
Motivation >
Just do it:
- The Pomodoro Photography Technique
- The ABC of Photography
- Just Shoot It.
- How to Change the World With Photography
- How to Find Inspiration in Photography and Life
- How to Overcome Resistance
- Create Against the Past
- How I Motivate Myself to Make Photos
- Wear Your Camera Like a Necklace or Bracelet
- Have Your Photos Come to You
- How to Level Up in Your Photography
- How Not to Give a Fuck of What Others Think of You
- How to Overcome Procrastination in Your Photography
- How to Reinspire Your Photography
- What is Your Mission in Photography and Life?
- How to Overcome Photographer’s Block
- Be a Photographer Now
- How to Overcome Boredom with Photography
- Never Stop Growing as a Photographer
- Why Do You Need “Inspiration” to Shoot?
- Just Shoot.
- 5 Things to Do If You’ve Lost Your Passion for Photography
- How to Have Unshakeable Confidence in Yourself
- Don’t Give Up On Your Dream
- Don’t Waste Your Potential
- Unlock Your Potential
- Empower Others With Your Photography
- Why You Shouldn’t Follow Your Passion in Photography