Let’s just jump to the next assignment. I think this one is going to be fun because there are two ways to approach this one:
This is a very interesting selection from our Editor’s Choice, Sasha Cherny. He is fascinated with Wickedness, Anger, Evil, and Anxiety. He also wants to master shooting in noir. We came up with darkness as we both agreed it emphasizes what he wants and can be easily interpreted in multiple ways.
You can pursue it in an emotional level wherein images depict some of the things that relates to darkness. Keep it sinister and scary but make sure it is straight to the point.
The other approach is to get out of your comfort zone and photograph in a dark environment (like my photo above.) Don’t be afraid about image noise or getting an even exposure (I will admit I was nervous if ever anything would come out). Experiment and push yourself! Never forget that the assignment group is great place to ask advice, tips, and other things to be able to push yourself further and get moving. Most importantly, especially those photographing in the evening, STAY SAFE!
Basically, since there are multiple ways to interpret this theme try to do this: Think of the theme, execute it, and then look back if how you perceive the image is the same as how it came out. Don’t stop until you get an image that you like! From there, put it up on the group!
Now go seek out
Here are the mechanics:
- Upload your photos interpreting the theme on the designated assignment album in the facebook page
- No words and captions, just your name, and place where you took the photo.
- On the comment on your own photo, post a link to your site (flickr, tumblr, webpage etc.) so that your photo would easily appear on the group’s feed. (Please do it only once)
- Feel free to use film, digital, instant film (polaroid/instax), mobile phones, etc. Any Camera will do
- Keep the file appropriate for web viewing (at least 72 dpi), no need for super hi-resolution.
Other things to know:
- We encourage you to shoot during the duration of the 2 weeks instead of raiding your archives.
- It should go without saying but please post photos that you own.
- This assignment will run from Jul 23 to Aug 6, 2015
- Don’t hesitate to ask questions or clarifications in the group page.
- Be open to learning, get up to the challenge, and of course have fun doing it!