Video Presentation: Introduction to Street Photography Projects

In this presentation, I share how to come up with and shoot a street photography project, and also cover what makes a great street photography project. Some of the projects we cover are:

Project tips/advice:

  • 1. Work on them for a long time (2-10 years).
  • 2. Make it personal.
  • 3. Stay consistent (camera, lens, film, post-processing technique)
  • 4. Focus on the sequencing of images (study films, books, literature). What kind of story you are trying to tell?
  • 5. Project types: “Sense of place”, “Typology”, “Concept”
  • 6. Lots of projects fail (don’t be too rigid, also be flexible)
  • 7. Don’t have pre-conceived notions
  • 8. Have fun!

Ways to stay motivated

  • 1. Get feedback/critique
  • 2. Keep pushing forward
  • 3. Look at photo books


  1. You can see the slides for free here.
  2. For more inspiration, download my free e-book: “The Street Photography Project Manual.”
  3. If you want to take your street photography project to the next level, check out my upcoming street photography workshops.
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