Month: December 2014

  • Ask Eric Kim #2: “How To Discover Interesting Scenes in Your Familiar (thus Boring) Home City?”

    Ask Eric Kim #2: “How To Discover Interesting Scenes in Your Familiar (thus Boring) Home City?”

    Hey streettogs, to continue with my “Ask Eric Kim” series (any questions you had about street photography, business, marketing, social media, etc.) I put a question out on Facebook regarding what questions you had (so I could try my best to help out and offer some ideas): Kai Kienzle asked the following: “How [do you] discover interesting scenes in your familiar…

  • The “10x Principle”: The Only Difference Between “Success” and “Failure” as a Photographer

    The “10x Principle”: The Only Difference Between “Success” and “Failure” as a Photographer

      I recently read a book titled: “How Google Works” and came across the “10x principle” that Google apparently follows. The idea is quite simple, elegant, and powerful: to be successful in any field, do it 10x better than anybody else.

  • Video Review of the Fujifilm X100T for Street Photography

    Video Review of the Fujifilm X100T for Street Photography

    I recently put together a “real-world” review of the Fujifilm X100T for street photography (which you can read here). I also wanted to record a video of some of my thoughts of the X100T (I really like it), and some of the settings, functions, aesthetic differences of the camera. In my opinion it is the…

  • Join Matt Stuart for Leica Akademie Street Photography Workshops in LA and San Francisco in January 2015!

    Join Matt Stuart for Leica Akademie Street Photography Workshops in LA and San Francisco in January 2015!

    Hey guys, I am really excited to share that Matt Stuart (from In-Public) is coming to the states and teaching two workshops with Leica Akademie (in Los Angeles and San Francisco)! The workshop is only $599 and limited to 12 participants, and this is an opportunity you don’t want to miss out on! Matt is…

  • Video Shooting Street Photography with the Fujifilm XT-1 and x100s in Saigon, Vietnam

    Thank you to Fujifilm Vietnam and Gin Tran for putting together this feature of me shooting street photography in Saigon this summer. I hope the tips I share in this video can help you when it comes to traveling and shooting street photography. I also give some tips when it comes to shooting with the…

  • Streettogs Academy No. 7

    Streettogs Academy No. 7

    Everyone seems antsy and excited for the next assignment. So I’ll be quick and not do my usual introduction this time and head straight to it! Here is what Streettogs Academy 6 editor’s choice, Sam Traschel picked for us:

  • Video Lecture: How to Overcome Your Fear of Shooting Street Photography

    Video Lecture: How to Overcome Your Fear of Shooting Street Photography

    In an effort to be more helpful, I am going to start putting together more video lectures and features for YouTube. In this presentation, I give some practical advice how to overcome your fears of shooting street photography– including the philosophy, approach, and tips. Articles on Conquering Your Fear Check out my Free Ebook: “31…

  • Ask Eric Kim #1: How to Overcome the “Funk” of the Winter Months in Street Photography?

    Ask Eric Kim #1: How to Overcome the “Funk” of the Winter Months in Street Photography?

    @mikebeecham on Twitter asked me, “How do you manage the funk of the winter months?” I think this is a great question, because it is hard to stay motivated during the winter months. I share some of my thoughts, an introduction to this new series, and suggestions in this first episode of “Ask Eric Kim”.…

  • Video Interview with Joe Aguirre in San Francisco (Volume #2)

    Recently I had time to meet up with my good friend Joe Aguirre in SF. He was able to show me his new place, projects he is working on, and we talk about some of my personal “mid-life” street photography questions towards the end. You can see my past video interview with Joe here.

  • 15 Street Photography Assignments to Re-Energize and Re-Inspire You

    15 Street Photography Assignments to Re-Energize and Re-Inspire You

      If you’re like me– you deal with moments of “uninspiration”. There are days that you want to go out and shoot, but there is some sort of “resistance” which holds you back. What is a good way to become re-inspired?

  • How to Harness Your Fear to Become a More Confident Street Photographer

    How to Harness Your Fear to Become a More Confident Street Photographer

    Street photography is one of the most difficult forms of photography out there. Not only do you have to rapidly compose, frame, and approach strangers— but you have to do so with the risk of “injury.” They might injure you verbally (threaten to break your camera, give you a dirty look and call you a…

  • Book Review: “The Suffering of Light” by Alex Webb

    Book Review: “The Suffering of Light” by Alex Webb

    All photos copyrighted by Alex Webb / Magnum Photos. You can pick up a copy of “The Suffering of Light” on Amazon here. After my month-long trip abroad in Stockholm, London, and Dubai I am finally (mostly) over my jet lag and have recovered at home. I’m sitting in my apartment and thinking to myself:…

  • A Landscape of Pyramids (Or To Be A Street Photographer) by Hakim Boulouiz

    A Landscape of Pyramids (Or To Be A Street Photographer) by Hakim Boulouiz

    (Editor’s Note: Today’s guest post and photographs are by Switzerland based street photographer Hakim Boulouiz. Enjoy!) Hakim: One of the first lessons in photography has to do with the famous quote from photographer and ecologist, Ansel Adams, “You don’t take a photograph, you make it.”This magic formula applies to all facets of photography without exception.…

  • Streettogs Academy No. 6 “Directions” Results and Analysis

    Streettogs Academy No. 6 “Directions” Results and Analysis

    Here we are once again with the results and analysis! Things have been going fine in the group as I have recently posted new policies and updated the criteria to further clear the mission/vision of what streettogs academy really is. As we go along, I hope people get a lot out of the group and…

  • How to Overcome the “Tyranny of Choice” in Street Photography

    How to Overcome the “Tyranny of Choice” in Street Photography

    I have a problem. It is definitely a “first world problem”. I currently have too many cameras in my house. This is what is sitting on my shelf at the moment (all the cameras I own): Leica MP Hasselblad 501c Fujifilm x100T Ricoh GR Contax T3 Too many damn cameras.

  • Registration Open: Downtown LA & Portland Street Photography Workshops in 2015 (and more!)

    Registration Open: Downtown LA & Portland Street Photography Workshops in 2015 (and more!)

    Hey streettogs, I am excited to share that registration is officially open for my upcoming Downtown LA Introduction to Street Photography Workshop (Jan 2-4th) and my Portland Intermediate/Advanced Street Photography Workshop (Jan 9-11th). Make sure you sign up quickly before the early-bird discount expires! If you want to conquer your fears of shooting street photography,…

  • Street Photography Holiday Book Wishlist 2014

    Street Photography Holiday Book Wishlist 2014

    Hohoho, Merry (upcoming) holidays streettogs. If you weren’t sure what to ask for the holidays this year, I have compiled this list of street photography books to ask Santa (or your friends, family, significant other) for. Read more to see my full list of recommended books below!

  • How to Fight “The Resistance” in Street Photography

    How to Fight “The Resistance” in Street Photography

    In “The War of Art”, the author Stephen Pressfield talks about “The Resistance” — and how it is the biggest obstacle to all of our artistic pursuits and endeavors. We can encounter “The Resistance” in many ways in our life. We encounter it when we want to start our own business (and we have thoughts…

  • 17 Lessons Henri Cartier-Bresson Has Taught Me About Street Photography

    17 Lessons Henri Cartier-Bresson Has Taught Me About Street Photography

    As this article is very long, I recommend reading this by saving it to Pocket or Instapaper. All photos in this article are copyrighted by Henri Cartier Bresson / Magnum Photos.  I recently picked up a copy of “The Mind’s Eye” – which is a great compilation of thoughts and philosophies Henri Cartier-Bresson wrote. Aperture published this great…

  • Book Review: “Exiles” by Josef Koudelka

    Book Review: “Exiles” by Josef Koudelka

    I recommend reading this article by saving it to Pocket, Instapaper. All images in this article are copyrighted by Josef Koudelka and Magnum Photos. “Exiles” by Josef Koudelka is one of the must-buy books of this year. Previously (before this re-print by aperture) the book would sell second-hand for around $300. I personally couldn’t afford…

  • Dubai 2014 Round-up Videos

    Dubai 2014 Round-up Videos

    Hey streettogs, I just got back from an epic 5-week trip in Stockholm, London, and Dubai– and now finally have some time to decompress and recover from my travels. Below is a round-up of some of the videos I shot in Dubai, lots more stuff to come! :) 1. How to Load a Hasselblad in…