American Road Trip Itinerary 2013

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I am excited to share our itinerary for our American Road Trip!  My girlfriend Cindy has spent the last 2 years in East Lansing, Michigan studying her Ph.D. in Vietnamese Colonial History– and has recently got accepted into UC Berkeley’s Ph.D. program in the same field. So we are packing our bags, and loading them into our Ford Fiesta and heading West!

We plan on taking around 2 weeks for the entire trip (making stops along the way in the places below):

  1. Start: East Lansing, Michigan
  2. Indianapolis, Indiana
  3. Louisville, Kentucky
  4. Nashville, Tennessee
  5. Birmingham, Alabama
  6. New Orleans, Louisiana
  7. Houston, Texas
  8. Austin, Texas
  9. Fort Worth, Texas
  10. Albuquerque, New Mexico
  11. Grand Canyon (Hiking)
  12. End: Southern California (before we head up to Berkeley)

You can see a Google Map Itinerary of our Road Trip.

American Street Photography Project

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 2013
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 2013

If you haven’t heard, I recently got hooked up with a 2014 Ford Fiesta and am getting free gas/insurance for the next 8 months. I have always wanted to do some sort of “Americans” street photography project (similar to the spirit of Robert Frank) but always transportation/gas was an issue.

So now I have no more excuses! So hopefully I will try to get some good photos along this road trip– and also continue to photograph my project even after I have arrived in Berkeley (after all, I have 8 months in total to work on this project).

Google Map:

Below is an interactive map to see all the destinations we will hit up during our road trip!

View Roadtrip West in a larger map

So once again– if you want to meet up (or can house us along the way) shoot me an email at or leave a comment below– and I will follow up with you!

I got some features lined up for the next two weeks (so don’t worry, the blog will stay updated). Will also be tweeting and Instagramming along the way so make sure to stay updated :)

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