“Discover Your Unique Street Photography Style” Intermediate Workshop in Singapore (12/17-12/18)

Street Photography Workshop Singapore

Are you an avid street photographer waiting to discover your own street style that will make you stand out from the crowd? 

If so, I’d like to invite you to my very special intermediate street photography workshop upcoming in Singapore on 12/17-12/18 in association with Leica Asia Pacific. We will be studying and analyzing the work of the great street photographers such as Henri Cartier-Bresson, Garry Winogrand, Elliott Erwitt, Vivian Maier, and many more! We will discuss their quotes, images, videos, and documentaries—and learn more about their specific insights into street photography.  We will identify what makes these photographers great and apply these principles to your own unique style.

Read more to find out more details!

The maximum group size of 10 participants, which will allow for plenty of hands-on guidance when shooting on the streets and more personalized feedback during critiques.

On both days you will have the opportunity to shoot in the streets of Singapore alongside myself, where you will be given a specific assignment to shoot. On the second day, your assignment photos will be critiqued—identifying what worked, what didn’t, and what can be improved. Below are some topics that will be covered in the workshop:

Topics we will cover in the workshop

  1. Discovering the top street photography styles to find your own voice
  2. How to get stronger compositions in your street photography
  3. Personal guidance on developing your strengths in street photography
  4. How to approach people when shooting on the streets
  5. An advanced guide on editing (selecting your best work) as well as post-processing in Lightroom 3 and Silver Efex Pro
  6. How to market yourself as a street photographer and get your work more recognized
  7. An in-depth study of the master street photographers
  8. Specialized street photography assignments for both days
  9. How to create images that tell compelling stories
  10. Constructive critique of your current portfolio and photos taken during the workshop

You can see some of the images from the previous intermediate workshop in Downtown LA.

A list of the street photographers we will study

  • Henri Cartier-Bresson
  • Elliott Erwitt
  • Garry Winogrand
  • Joel Meyerowitz
  • Robert Doisneau
  • Vivian Maier
  • Bruce Gilden
  • Alfred Eisenstaedt
  • and more…

What you will get out of the workshop

After attending this workshop, you will become much more comfortable shooting in the streets and understanding what your personal style is. Not only that, but you will get a far better understanding of what makes a great street photograph through all the studying of the great street photography masters. Furthermore this workshop will push you to get outside your comfort zone and encourage you to become more creative and critical about your work.


100% Money-Back Guarantee

I am so confident that you will find the workshop will improve your confidence and skills in shooting street photography that I offer a 100% money-back guarantee. Also, if an emergency is to arise last-minute, I can offer you a full-refund of your deposit.


  • 2 full days of hands-on instruction and shooting on the streets
  • Meals (Breakfast and Lunch)
  • Snacks and drinks to keep your stomach happy
  • Access to an exclusive online forum to interact with other participants
  • Guest speaker Danny Santos


Date: 12/17-12/18 (Saturday/Sunday)

Time: 9:30am-6pm (both days)

Workshop Fee: $650 for both days ($495 early-bird discount before 12/10)

Workshop cap: 10 participants

Location: TBA


If you would like to register click the button below. If you have any questions, please email my workshops coordinator, Neil Ta, at at neil.ta@erickimphotography.com

After you register, we will send you an email regarding the deposit and payment options.

Click here to register now!


Based in the urban streets of Los Angeles, Eric Kim is a street photographer who captures thought-provoking candid images of individuals juxtaposed against their natural surroundings. As a graduate of UCLA in Sociology, Eric applies his passion for photography and social interaction throughout different fields in his life. He is currently working on a street photography book and has taught street photography workshops all around the world, including San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Toronto, Lebanon, the UK, Switzerland, and India. He has been teaching photographers to build up their courage in their street photography, as well as build their street photography vision.


Past Street Photography Workshops

Beirut, Lebanon Street Photography Workshop Participants

Zurich, Switzerland Street Photography Workshop Participants

Stay updated with upcoming workshops

Brighton, UK Street Photography Workshop Participants

Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop Participants

Hollywood, Los Angeles Street Photography Participants

San Francisco Introductory Street Photography Workshop Participants

Chicago Introductory Street Photography Workshop with Jason Martini

San Diego Intermediate Street Photography Workshop Participants

Toronto Street Photography Workshop Group Photo

Toronto Introduction to Street Photography Workshop Participants 

Mumbai, India Introduction to Street Photography Workshop (Group 1)

India Mumbai Street Photography Workshop

Mumbai, India Introduction to Street Photography Workshop (Group 2)

Mumbai, India Introduction to Street Photography Workshop (Group 3)


You can read a list of all my testimonials here.

Derriel Almario

“Eric Kim is an extremely down to earth individual. He truly has an immense amount of passion for what he does. His electricity and enthusiasm inspired me to become the best street photographer I could possibly be. I had the honor of attending his Street Photography Workshop in LA and it was one decision I will never regret. Eye opening to say the least. Hands on training and a great foundation for anyone who even has the slightest interest in street photography. The anxiety and fear that once froze me has been completely obliterated and I have the confidence to go out and hit the streets and “See the Beauty in the Mundane”. Thanks Eric” –Derriel Almario

Rinzi Ruiz

“Eric just exudes enthusiasm for street photography that is contagious. He’s a great teacher and makes it fun to learn. I enjoyed his workshop and learned more than I expected. I also enjoyed walking and shooting with him. He is well informed and presents the subject very well. I would definitely sign up for another workshop.” – Rinzi Ruiz

Rob LaRosa

“Eric Kim is a talented street photographer and a wonderful human being. He also is a very giving person and is very willing to share his photographic knowledge with anyone who asks. After becoming mesmerized by his wonderful street photography, I enrolled in his beginner street photography workshop and it was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had. I look forward to attending more workshops in the future.” – Rob LaRosa

You can read all my testimonials here.

Pictures from my workshops

Sam Lozano on the streets of Chicago
Angelo De Mesa Shooting the streets of Chicago with his Leica
Powerpoint presentation with guest speaker Jason Martini in Chicago
Leica porn at my San Francisco Workshop
A couple kissing in San Francisco
Shooting at night in Downtown LA
Mattei shooting in Downtown LA

Reviews of my past workshops

Beverly Komatsu - Shooting with a Leica M9 at my workshop
Beverly Komatsu – Shooting with a Leica M9 at my workshop

Pictures from the Workshop

Joel and Beverly Post-Processing and Editing Images on Day 2
Joel and Beverly Post-Processing and Editing Images on Day 2

Photos by Eric Kim

Like a Boss


Downtown LA


If you would like to register click the button below. If you have any questions, please email my workshops coordinator, Neil Ta, at at neil.ta@erickimphotography.com

After you register, we will send you an email regarding the deposit and payment options.

Click here to register now!

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