100 Lessons From the Masters of Street Photography: PDF DOWNLOAD FREE ERIC KIM OPEN SOURCE


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Here are the summarized bullet points from “100 Lessons From the Masters of Street Photography” by Eric Kim:

  1. Fulfill Your Personal Maximum: Photography should push you outside of your comfort zone and help you reach your maximum potential oai_citation:1,100-Lessons-From-the-Masters-of-Street-Photography-by-ERIC-KIM.pdf.
  2. Get Closer: Overcoming fear and getting physically closer to subjects creates emotional proximity, enhancing the intimacy of photographs oai_citation:2,100-Lessons-From-the-Masters-of-Street-Photography-by-ERIC-KIM.pdf.
  3. Shoot 25% More Than You Think: Capturing additional images after you think you’ve got the shot can lead to more interesting photographs oai_citation:3,100-Lessons-From-the-Masters-of-Street-Photography-by-ERIC-KIM.pdf.
  4. Shoot from the Gut: Focus on capturing emotion rather than getting overly analytical about composition and framing oai_citation:4,100-Lessons-From-the-Masters-of-Street-Photography-by-ERIC-KIM.pdf.
  5. The “.7 Meter Challenge”: Engaging with subjects at close distances improves the ability to connect and capture more intimate moments oai_citation:5,100-Lessons-From-the-Masters-of-Street-Photography-by-ERIC-KIM.pdf.
  6. Don’t Shoot from the Hip: Using the viewfinder for framing and capturing moments ensures better control over the composition oai_citation:6,100-Lessons-From-the-Masters-of-Street-Photography-by-ERIC-KIM.pdf.
  7. Influence the Scene: Interacting with subjects can lead to dynamic, engaging photographs, countering the notion that all street photography must be candid oai_citation:7,100-Lessons-From-the-Masters-of-Street-Photography-by-ERIC-KIM.pdf.
  8. Don’t Crop: Preserving the original framing maintains the integrity and geometric balance of the photograph oai_citation:8,100-Lessons-From-the-Masters-of-Street-Photography-by-ERIC-KIM.pdf.
  9. Focus on the Edges: Paying attention to the edges of the frame can lead to better overall composition oai_citation:9,100-Lessons-From-the-Masters-of-Street-Photography-by-ERIC-KIM.pdf.
  10. Emotionally Detach from Your Photos: Avoid letting personal attachment to the story behind a photo bias your assessment of its quality oai_citation:10,100-Lessons-From-the-Masters-of-Street-Photography-by-ERIC-KIM.pdf.
  11. Create Context in Your Frame: Include elements that tell a story or add depth to the image oai_citation:11,100-Lessons-From-the-Masters-of-Street-Photography-by-ERIC-KIM.pdf.
  12. Provoke Your Subjects: Engaging and interacting with subjects can add depth and authenticity to the photographs oai_citation:12,100-Lessons-From-the-Masters-of-Street-Photography-by-ERIC-KIM.pdf.
  13. Ask for Repetition: If a moment is missed, politely asking the subject to repeat an action can capture a candid-looking photo oai_citation:13,100-Lessons-From-the-Masters-of-Street-Photography-by-ERIC-KIM.pdf.
  14. Don’t Be a Slave to Your Camera: Avoid the trap of “Gear Acquisition Syndrome” and focus more on the art rather than the equipment oai_citation:14,100-Lessons-From-the-Masters-of-Street-Photography-by-ERIC-KIM.pdf.
  15. Cure Yourself of G.A.S.: Be content with what you have, set limits on upgrades, and focus on the joy of photography over acquiring new gear oai_citation:15,100-Lessons-From-the-Masters-of-Street-Photography-by-ERIC-KIM.pdf.
  16. Embrace Beginner’s Mind: Approach photography with curiosity and openness, as if seeing the world for the first time oai_citation:16,100-Lessons-From-the-Masters-of-Street-Photography-by-ERIC-KIM.pdf.
  17. Shoot How You Feel: Let your emotions guide your photography, whether it results in gritty black and white or vibrant color images oai_citation:17,100-Lessons-From-the-Masters-of-Street-Photography-by-ERIC-KIM.pdf.
  18. Limitations Are Freedom: Embracing creative constraints can lead to more focused and innovative photography oai_citation:18,100-Lessons-From-the-Masters-of-Street-Photography-by-ERIC-KIM.pdf.
  19. Document Your Life: Use photography as a tool to capture and reflect on personal and meaningful moments in life oai_citation:19,100-Lessons-From-the-Masters-of-Street-Photography-by-ERIC-KIM.pdf.
  20. Shoot with a Stream-of-Consciousness: Capture what feels right in the moment without overthinking, leading to more authentic and personal images oai_citation:20,100-Lessons-From-the-Masters-of-Street-Photography-by-ERIC-KIM.pdf.
  21. Shoot What It Feels Like: Try to convey the emotion or atmosphere of a scene, moving beyond just the visual elements oai_citation:21,100-Lessons-From-the-Masters-of-Street-Photography-by-ERIC-KIM.pdf.
  22. Embrace Failure: Recognize that most street photography involves failure, and that perseverance leads to eventual success oai_citation:22,100-Lessons-From-the-Masters-of-Street-Photography-by-ERIC-KIM.pdf.
  23. Don’t Be Afraid to Click: Taking more shots, even if they’re not perfect, increases the chances of capturing a great image oai_citation:23,100-Lessons-From-the-Masters-of-Street-Photography-by-ERIC-KIM.pdf.
  24. Add Something ‘More’ to the Frame: Aim for complexity and layers in your images, balancing chaos with order oai_citation:24,100-Lessons-From-the-Masters-of-Street-Photography-by-ERIC-KIM.pdf.
  25. Master Your Body Language: Use non-verbal cues to interact with subjects and build confidence in capturing street scenes oai_citation:25,100-Lessons-From-the-Masters-of-Street-Photography-by-ERIC-KIM.pdf.

These points encapsulate the essential lessons and philosophies Eric Kim shares in his book, offering guidance for both aspiring and experienced street photographers.