Laughing lady Eric Kim street photography

SF CONQUER YOUR FEARS WORKSHOP October 26th, 2024 (Saturday 11am-4pm)

SF CONQUER YOUR FEARS WORKSHOP October 26th, 2024 (Saturday 11am-4pm)

Original price was: $ 1,250.Current price is: $ 699.

SF SAN FRANCISCO: The Mission District, October 26th, Saturday from 11am-4pm.

Meeting point Haus Coffee in the SF Mission

Conquer Your Fears

What is the number one most critical attribute in today’s world and into the future? Simple: courage, fearlessness.

Why so shy?

The future belongs to the courageous the bold, the fearless, the focused, those with laser eyes.

Become the uber-street photographer

Technology, cameras, lenses and digital platforms will keep changing. Yet, what will stay with you forever? Your courage, your chutzpah, your audacity.

The simple goal for this workshop is for you to become fearless. For you to harness your fear like your pet dragon, to propel and tell you to do courageous things, and also, make the photos you desire.

Why street photography is the future

Simply put, I believe street photography to be the most productive form of arts creation in existence.

First, it encourages healthy habits. You go outside, you get in the direct sun, and you chat with other human beings, all good things for your health and your psyche.

Also, you move. You cannot shoot street photography without moving, yet you could paint while sitting on your butt all day.

Video games or street photography?

I think the big thing is being a photographer or street photographer in todays world is cool. And the analogue, retro things are cool, film is cool, digital is cool, Ricoh GR cameras are cool, a rangefinder is cool, the Fujifilm 100 is cool.

I think what has become so unique about being a street guitar for is that it becomes like a certain look, a certain ethos and a certain fashion. For example whenever I go to the hunting, or any other notable sites, whenever I see with the camera it always looks good.

Why no iPhone

I still think that the iPhone is a great device for street photography and photography general, but on a long enough time span, everyone will always prefer us to alone camera. Why? We humans still love the tact, and I think also focus wise, it is good to have a standalone digital camera.

Not that, but you could have the world best and all the best filters and apps, but still… It will pale in comparison with even a Ricoh GR digital camera.

Stop buying those iPhones, start buying those Ricohs.

Your goals

This workshop will be two pronged; making you conquer your fears in interacting approaching and talking with other people, as well as candid street photography without permission.

The best street is a hybrid street photographer. The one who is good at talking with people charismatic and fun, and also has the courage and the guts to shoot street photos without permission.

If we think about Batman and his utility belt, the most useful thing is that Batman has access to all the different tools, given on the situation at hand. As a consequence,  Batman can approach any situation with grace and courage, because he is well equipped for any situation.

Imagine a world in which you never hesitate to shoot any single photo you want to shoot, and also you never hesitate before approaching in writing with a person you find interesting or want to make a photograph of. This is my vision for you:

To become fearless.

How you will gain

  1. Increased motivation and chutzpah for your photography, street photography and urban arts creation.
  2. Fun! The ultimate autotelic approach; in which you finally have more chance to practice and shoot street photography, your joy and passion.
  3. A framework and guide and pragmatic in person helps suggestions and motivation and encouragement; is one thing to read the documents online, another thing to have the real ERIC KIM behind you giving you encouragement.
  4. New eyes and ears: when you’re out shooting on the streets with me, being able to spot more potentially good photography opportunities, also practical help with handling your camera, regardless of whatever camera you use, whether Leica, Fuji, rangefinder, film camera, iPhone, Ricoh, Sony etc. 
  5. Experiencing a novel environment and urban playground for you to shoot, and make photos in which you are proud of.
  6. Making one photo in which you are insanely proud of, something you could add to your portfolio, shot during the workshop.
  7. Guidance and help on selecting your best photos, how to quickly create and edit your work.

The mission

  • Date: October 26th, 2024 Saturday from 11am-4pm
  • Meeting spot: Haus Coffee in San Francisco Mission (Google Map Link, Apple Map Link, 3086 24th St, San Francisco, CA 94110)
  • How to prepare: Bring your digital or film camera or both… whatever you want to practice with!
  • Prepare before workshop: Select your best three photos of all time, bring it into the workshop either on your phone, your iPad, or even feel free to print it out!


$1250, early-bird discount of only $699 if you register before September 26, 2024

This workshop is only limited to the first 20 passionate individuals. Don’t miss your chance to conquer your fears. Courage only happens once.


How to secure your spot

Use the “add to cart” function, and check out using your credit card or debit card. You can also use Apple Pay!

Once you submit your tuition, your spot is 100% secured. A few weeks prior to the workshop you’ll get a personal email from me just a friendly hello and outlining some other details.

Finally excited to meet you in the flesh!

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