• Phones, iPads, computers laptops don’t really interest me that much anymore?

  • The hardest possible?


  • Practical functional fitness

    Seneca, currently at age 3 years, about two months… is starting to become surprisingly heavy. I have this infamous carry in which I carry him around, all day in town, and I’m already starting to feel my biceps and arms and forearm grow heavy.

    I suppose then, a very very practical thing I have is that my role in duty as a father, I desire to be maximally strong robust and full of vitality strength and vigor.

    So then a very simple thought is this: what types of exercises or movements or training can I do which will augment my ability to carry him in my arms until he is 12 years old?

    Or, what types of exercises can I do which will maximize my vigor, power, energy in general?


  • Concentrated Power

  • Baking bread monopoly in NYC?

    Freedom market

    The “Free” (Open and Permissionless) market

    The market can be the solution to a lot of things?

    Button rules on your jacket?

    –> enrich the ruler


    “Break the rules! … NO … not like that!!”

    Constitutional rights –> default on silver certificates or also … putting Japanese into internment camps

    Nuclear power settlement.

    The swarm

    Control over space?


    The will to power bitcoin

    95% of hate is just bots?


    Truth machine

    100M fake accounts an hour


    Bitcoin as a truth machine

    Gold Check


    Cross other email platforms

    Fragmentation of platforms?

    –> proprietary certifications

    Not verifiable

    Toxic, centrally managed and fragile


    How to sign and verify?

  • Why Zerg?

    Think the swarm?

    The Zerg race in StarCraft II is often considered highly effective and popular among top players for several strategic and gameplay reasons:

    1. Versatility and Adaptation: Zerg units and structures can rapidly adapt to different strategies and situations. This flexibility allows Zerg players to respond effectively to their opponents’ tactics, making it a dynamic race capable of quick shifts in strategy.
    2. Economy and Expansion: Zerg players can quickly expand their economy due to their ability to spawn multiple workers simultaneously and their capability to rapidly take over multiple resource locations. This economic advantage can often lead to overwhelming opponents with superior numbers.
    3. Swarming Capabilities: Zerg is known for its ability to produce large numbers of units quickly, overwhelming opponents with sheer volume. This swarming strategy can be difficult for opponents to counter if not prepared properly.
    4. High-level Play: At professional levels of play, the Zerg race’s potential for aggressive tactics and strategic depth is fully utilized. High-level players exploit these aspects to execute complex strategies that can outmaneuver and outpace opponents.

    The balance of StarCraft II races is continually adjusted by updates to the game, but Zerg’s unique combination of rapid growth, adaptability, and the ability to execute both macro and micro-intensive strategies effectively contribute to its success in competitive play.

    For more insights on Zerg strategies and their effectiveness in professional leagues, enthusiasts often turn to specific game analysis and commentary in the esports community.


  • Most People are Unwise

    Bitcoin Power

    I’ve been following bitcoin ever since I lived in Vietnam off the grid, around 2016 2017. I still will never forget, when I was in my junior year living with my roommate Kevin, in our UCLA studio apartment housing, I think my friend Kevin was already, and told me about the whole bitcoin thing and the whole pizza thing, and he said –“Hey Eric, we should just buy $100 worth of bitcoin and see what happens to it.” I remember I think I was doing something else, slightly distracted and shrugged and said “Eh… let’s not bother… it’s probably a scam”. I think at the time bitcoin was worth a fraction of a cent, so in theory me and Kevin both could’ve just bought hundreds maybe even thousands a bitcoins, while we were still in college, I think this was 2009. Before either of us even owned a smart phone. I actually think the original iPhone 3 came out my junior of college.

    Anyways, fast forwarding a bit when living in Vietnam, at one of my beloved coffee shops, I remember seeing bitcoin at around $300 a bitcoin, seeing at least spike beyond $1000, which the mind of anybody following it. I think other fantastic Limits included when it broke $10,000 a bitcoin, $20,000 a bitcoin, $50,000 a bitcoin, now over $70,000 a bitcoin. My personal thought is once it breaks $100,000 bitcoin, it is only uphill from here.

    “If it is not going to zero, it is going to a million” – Michael Saylor

    We only ever lived once. I think for me the most fascinating about bitcoin is that it is pure, concentrated power. 

    For example, I think I had this thought even before I started watching a bunch of Michael Saylor videos, but the general idea that I had is the reason why bitcoin is so fascinating is because all of the mining power that goes into it, and the final result is a bitcoin, or several bitcoins, in theory that energy that is stored in a bitcoin is non-perishable.

    Also, random things that I was thinking about like living off the grid, leaving the states, thinking about real estate, land, property, single-family homes whatever… Ultimately the interesting thought always comes down to the idea of the sake of what?

    Seneca at LEGO CAMP

    So really exciting news, Seneca now at the age of three years one month, his first taste of socialization is this wonderful LEGO camp that I enrolled him in!  Replaying my own personal childhood, it is like a Lego technics focus on gears police. Seeing him learning and grow is so grand.

    Anyways, thinking a little bit ahead, in about 10 months or a year or so, we might be in Cambodia or out of the country or something, and also I’m sure before we know it, Seneca is going to keep on growing, sooner or later becoming a teenager, becoming a teen years old, and it is crazy… I think once you become a parent and become have kids Your time horizon expand. This means that it is actually much easier to see the future with great clarity. That Seneca doesn’t get killed by a crazy car, he will go through elementary school, K-12 education, graduate high school etc. By the time he turns 18 years old, he will be a full adult.

    I think the humbling thing is knowing that when he turns 18 years old, that is only about 15 years from now. I am very certain that 15 years from now, things will be a lot different, we might be on the iPhone 20, I’m sure there’s going to be a baby Tesla model three cyber truck version, Model Y and X and as we all have upgrades, new versions, certain things will stay the same, others want. So trying to think about the next 15 years is a good one because not only is a practical, but it is also wise. Having a kid is the ultimate and thinking about the future, Explaining your horizons and time preferences, and living a grander life. Don’t be like the typical loser millennial, investing all this energy and effort into a dog, which will soon die, causing you to also rack up these bills for your dog getting cancer, dying, and you also eventually re-adopting a new animal because you don’t know what else to do.

  • Bitcoin Power

    I’ve been following bitcoin ever since I lived in Vietnam off the grid, around 2016 2017. I still will never forget, when I was in my junior year living with my roommate Kevin, in our UCLA studio apartment housing, I think my friend Kevin was already, and told me about the whole bitcoin thing and the whole pizza thing, and he said –“Hey Eric, we should just buy $100 worth of bitcoin and see what happens to it.” I remember I think I was doing something else, slightly distracted and shrugged and said “Eh… let’s not bother… it’s probably a scam”. I think at the time bitcoin was worth a fraction of a cent, so in theory me and Kevin both could’ve just bought hundreds maybe even thousands a bitcoins, while we were still in college, I think this was 2009. Before either of us even owned a smart phone. I actually think the original iPhone 3 came out my junior of college.

    Anyways, fast forwarding a bit when living in Vietnam, at one of my beloved coffee shops, I remember seeing bitcoin at around $300 a bitcoin, seeing at least spike beyond $1000, which the mind of anybody following it. I think other fantastic Limits included when it broke $10,000 a bitcoin, $20,000 a bitcoin, $50,000 a bitcoin, now over $70,000 a bitcoin. My personal thought is once it breaks $100,000 bitcoin, it is only uphill from here.

    “If it is not going to zero, it is going to a million” – Michael Saylor

  • War vs Peace?

    War calms us?


    Stable store of value

    Produce something of value to others 

    Gold is practically indestructible

    Gold mining versus bitcoin mining?

    Non-perishable money

    Non-perishable things

    “Monetary media”

    Human lever

    Willingness and desire to hold money vs spend it?

    Why “spend” money –> double spend idea

    Purchasing power for what?

    How to increase your purchasing power, but why? For what?


  • This is all you got, this is all there is.


  • COOL.

  • Decentralize Power

  • How to Concentrate Power

    How to concentrate power

    The concentration of power –> banks, banking.

    How to concentrate power?

    Bitcoin is pure concentrated power?

    More Bitcoin = More Power


    Think energy & power


  • The Sociology of Economics

    Something I haven’t really encountered is in regards to the sociology of economics. That is, economics, an individual’s personal economic preferences in the context of one’s society, societal desires, things society says you should desire?

  • All Kids are Good Kids

  • Think 2,000 Pounds?

  • Think Power?

  • Pure Concentrated Power

  • Tensile Strength

  • Is it “worth it”?

  • Apple is Back!

    iPad Pro — I even like the ad! Steve Jobs would be proud

    The most supreme thinness … pure bliss

  • Barbelling Certainty *AND* Uncertainty?

    If you know with 100% precision where you will be next year and for how long… how would you plan the next 10 months of your life?

    What insanely epic things do you desire to achieve in the next 10 months?

  • Kinetic Energy

  • All news is toxic

  • Never do anything to please others

  • Concentrated Power


Infinite creativity: