• Trust nobody who woke who tokes!


  • It’s illegal to be butt naked, and also now that winter is upon us… dress insanely warm?

    Layer up with cashmere, wool, merino wool, down, goretex etc.

  • A place specifically where you could upload and share AI generated art?

    Not social media… AI media?

  • Same as “townhome”.

  • VLOG



  • Audio

    Don’t toke!

  • Why are Toyota cars so ugly?

  • Via negativa

  • mediaAI?


  • Their face shows all in terms of their hormonal health, physiology and beyond!

    Don’t be a dummy!

  • If you want to achieve your personal maximum in photography, learn from MASTERS MOBILE EDITION (Volume 1).


    MASTERS MOBILE EDITION distills the key lessons from the masters of street photography, and is beautifully edited for your mobile device, for you to find inspiration from the masters, regardless of where you are. When you need a shot of inspiration, open up MASTERS MOBILE EDITION, flip to a random page, and put a lesson into practice. It is our hope that MASTERS MOBILE EDITION will take your street photography to new heights, and give you a new well-spring of inspiration and motivation.

    Eric Kim curated all the essential lessons after a decade of intense study, practice, and photography teaching into his “Learn from the Masters” series. MASTERS is the essential collection of all of his photographic study and practice.

    MASTERS was written by Eric Kim, designed by Cindy Nguyen and mobile-optimized by Annette Kim.

    Prefer Print?

    Learn From the Masters of Street Photography Book

    Pick up the beautiful limited edition copy of MASTERS Volume 1 Print Edition. Printed locally in California, only limited supplies remaining.


    Download Instructions

    Masters comes in PDF format to use with all devices (phone, tablet, computer).

    Note that the files are very large file downloads and will take some time and faster wifi connection to download. If you have problems with the download link, try opening the link in a different browser.

    To import the PDF file into your iPad for iBooks, see this screencast here.

  • Taleb:

    That which has been around for a long time shall continue being around for a long time!

    ERIC KIM … since 2009/2010 until 2023 (now). That’s 13 years.

    I’ll definitely still be productive at least for another 13 years!

  • Men… typically 10-50 pg/mL

    For women —

    Beginning of menstrual cycle, Follicular phase … 30-120 pg/mL… ovulation peak 130-370pg/mL, post-menopause 10-20.

    Numerical differences

    The numerical differences in estrogen and testosterone levels between males and females are quite marked, and they reflect the distinct physiological roles these hormones play in each sex. Here are the typical ranges:

    Estrogen (Measured in Picograms per Milliliter – pg/mL)

    1. Females:
    • Estradiol (the primary form of estrogen):
      • Follicular phase (beginning of menstrual cycle): about 30-120 pg/mL
      • Ovulation peak: approximately 130-370 pg/mL
      • Luteal phase (post-ovulation): roughly 70-250 pg/mL
      • Postmenopause: generally <10-20 pg/mL
    1. Males:
    • Estradiol: typically ranges from 10-50 pg/mL

    Testosterone (Measured in Nanograms per Deciliter – ng/dL)

    1. Males:
    • Total testosterone: generally about 300-1,000 ng/dL
    • Free testosterone (the portion not bound to proteins): around 5-21 ng/dL
    1. Females:
    • Total testosterone: typically ranges from 15-70 ng/dL
    • Free testosterone: usually about 0.7-3.6 ng/dL


    • These values can vary based on the individual, the time of day (hormone levels can fluctuate), age, and health status.
    • In females, estrogen levels are particularly dynamic and change throughout the menstrual cycle.
    • In males, testosterone levels generally decline with age, but this decline is usually gradual.
    • Hormone levels are influenced by various factors including genetics, lifestyle, body composition, and overall health.
    • It’s important to note that hormone levels are just one part of a complex physiological picture. Levels that are outside the typical range don’t automatically indicate a problem but might prompt further medical evaluation.

    Estrogen, a key hormone in the human body, plays a vital role in both female and male physiology, although it is more prominent in females. Its functions and effects are diverse:

    1. Reproductive Health: In females, estrogen is crucial for the development and functioning of the reproductive system. It regulates the menstrual cycle, prepares the uterus for pregnancy, and supports the development of secondary sexual characteristics such as breast growth.
    2. Bone Health: Estrogen helps maintain bone density. It plays a role in the bone remodeling process, helping to prevent bone loss. This is why the risk of osteoporosis increases in women after menopause when estrogen levels decline.
    3. Cardiovascular Health: Estrogen has a protective effect on heart health. It helps maintain the flexibility of blood vessels, ensuring proper blood flow, and also influences cholesterol levels, promoting a higher level of HDL (good cholesterol) and a lower level of LDL (bad cholesterol).
    4. Mood and Brain Health: Estrogen can impact mood and cognitive function. It’s thought to have a protective effect on brain health and may be linked to mood stabilization. Changes in estrogen levels can affect neurotransmitters in the brain and are associated with mood swings or depression in some cases.
    5. Skin and Hair: Estrogen contributes to skin health by increasing skin thickness and improving moisture levels and elasticity. It also impacts hair growth, influencing hair texture and density.
    6. Metabolism: Estrogen affects body composition and metabolism. It influences how the body stores fat and can affect appetite and energy expenditure.
    7. Sexual Function: In females, estrogen is important for vaginal health, maintaining the lining of the vagina and vaginal lubrication. It also plays a role in sexual desire, although this is complex and influenced by multiple factors.
    8. Development During Puberty: In females, estrogen is crucial for the changes that occur during puberty, including breast development, the growth of the uterus, and the onset of menstrual cycles.
    9. Menopause Management: In postmenopausal women, estrogen therapy is often used to manage symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and mood swings, as well as to prevent osteoporosis.

    In males, estrogen is present in smaller amounts and is important for sexual function and bone health. It’s a common misconception that estrogen only affects females; in reality, it plays several important roles in male physiology as well.

    The balance of estrogen with other hormones, such as progesterone in females and testosterone in males, is crucial for overall health. Imbalances can lead to various health issues.

  • Another bad modern day trend— everyone thinks that weed, smoking weed THC, CBD has no *negative* effects on our physiology… that it is “all good”?


    Smoking weed or marijuana fucks up your testosterone levels!!!

    Also for women and men … it can mess with your fertility levels?

    Marijuana can affect the body’s hormonal systems, though the extent and implications of these effects can vary and are still a subject of ongoing research. Some key areas where marijuana may impact hormones include:

    1. Reproductive Hormones: Marijuana use has been linked to changes in the reproductive system. In men, it can lower testosterone levels and affect sperm count and mobility, potentially impacting fertility. In women, it may disrupt menstrual cycles and could influence fertility as well.
    2. Stress Response: THC, the psychoactive component in marijuana, can affect the body’s stress response system, including hormones like cortisol. This might have implications for stress management, anxiety, and overall health.
    3. Growth and Development: There’s some evidence suggesting that marijuana use, especially in adolescents, can impact hormones related to growth and development. This is particularly concerning because the hormonal regulation during adolescence is crucial for physical and sexual development.
    4. Thyroid Function: Some studies have suggested a potential impact on thyroid function, but the evidence is not conclusive. Disruption in thyroid hormones can affect metabolism, energy levels, and overall health.
    5. Appetite and Metabolism: Marijuana is known to increase appetite (the “munchies”), which is partly due to its effect on hormones like ghrelin and leptin that regulate hunger and satiety.

    It’s important to approach these findings with an understanding that research in this area is evolving. The relationship between marijuana and hormones is complex, influenced by factors like dosage, frequency of use, individual physiology, and the presence of other health conditions. Consulting healthcare professionals is advisable for anyone concerned about the hormonal effects of marijuana use.

    The negative physiological effects of marijuana are varied and can depend on factors like individual health, the frequency of use, and the method of consumption. Here are some key impacts:

    1. Respiratory Issues: Smoking marijuana can irritate the lungs, leading to issues similar to those experienced by tobacco smokers, such as chronic cough, phlegm production, and an increased risk of lung infections. It may also exacerbate conditions like asthma and bronchitis.
    2. Cardiovascular Effects: Marijuana use can increase heart rate for up to 3 hours after smoking. This could increase the risk of heart attack, particularly in older individuals or those with pre-existing heart conditions.
    3. Mental Health: Marijuana can exacerbate or contribute to the development of mental health issues in some people, such as anxiety, depression, or schizophrenia, particularly in those predisposed to these conditions.
    4. Cognitive Impairment: Short-term use can impact memory, coordination, and judgment. These effects can be particularly concerning for activities like driving. Long-term or heavy use, especially if started at a young age, might have lasting effects on cognitive abilities.
    5. Dependency and Withdrawal: While not as addictive as some substances, regular users can develop a dependence on marijuana. Withdrawal symptoms might include irritability, mood and sleep difficulties, decreased appetite, cravings, restlessness, and various forms of physical discomfort.
    6. Impact on Adolescents: For younger users, marijuana can have more pronounced long-term effects on brain development, potentially impacting cognitive and educational outcomes.
    7. Hormonal and Reproductive Effects: There is some evidence to suggest that marijuana can affect hormone levels and might impact reproductive health, but more research is needed in this area.

    It’s important to remember that responses to marijuana can vary greatly between individuals, and the legal status and medical usage of marijuana differ widely between regions, often reflecting ongoing research and changing societal attitudes.

  • ”Environmentalism”, “living off the grid”, “saving the planet”, “reducing your carbon footprint”, going vegetarian vegan or “plant based”, meat is evil blah blah blah.

    Lots of very fat profits to be made in the industries of marijuana, alcohol, “CBD”, weed, “mindfulness”, yoga,

    Also… dogs? One can argue that having a dog and a pet is 100000x worse for the environment than having children.

    Don’t trust these loser “effective” altruists.

    First the general concept of altruism is bad. Nobody wants nor *needs* or is asking for your “help”. We don’t need no pseudo-superheroes, Jesus messiah figures.

    Also to even make altruism “effective”— applying anaemic utilitarian theory to helping other humans reduces people to a mere number and statistic… this is the new Joseph Stalinism?

    A million deaths is a statistic. A single death is a tragedy. – Joseph Stalin

    If alcohol, marijuana was bad for the planet, or having dogs or going vegan or going plant based was bad for the planet … would people still do it?

  • This includes all mainstream Silicon Valley Bay Area, SF, tech startup VC thinking and beyond.

  • Otherwise … how would we beget children?

  • Ok I think I got this figured out:

    Modern day capitalism and product desire creation selling is around this promise: “Buy XYZ, and somehow … it will lead you to having sex with beautiful women”?

  • Beauty, aesthetics

  • Don’t “trust” anything in the internet … besides cryptographic truth?



  • I am passionate about philosophy, aesthetics, ancient Sparta and Greece, innovation, entrepreneurship, stoicism.


    I want an interesting, subjective view.

  • AI is best when it helps you *simplify* your thinking:

    Off the grid philosophy

  • Think off grid


  • Smaller file sizes (720p, etc)… are just *faster* to deal with?

    For example even with airdrop, and more reliable!

    Even if you got the newest, best, most powerful Apple device… there are still limits to AirDrop speeds as well as processing times for YouTube and Videopress.

  • Ask ChatGPT 4 something … then keep saying and asking “simpler”!

    Also — ask it to explain to a “one year old”, or just in emoji!


    AI can help you think *simpler*?

  • Experience points

  • Explain chainlink to a first grader

    Alright, imagine you have a big box of toy blocks at home and your friend has another box at their house. You want to play together with both sets of blocks, but you’re in different places. Chainlink is like a magic rope that connects your box of blocks with your friend’s box. This magic rope is super smart and makes sure that when you build something with your blocks, your friend can add to it with their blocks, even though you’re not in the same room.

    It’s like having an invisible bridge that lets you play together, even when you’re far apart. Chainlink does this for computers, helping them share information and work together, even if they are very far away from each other. It’s like a helping hand that makes sure everyone plays fair and follows the rules.

    Explain to 2 year old

    Okay, let’s try this for a 2-year-old:

    Think of Chainlink like a special game of telephone. It’s like when you whisper a secret to a friend, and they whisper it to someone else. Chainlink helps computers do the same thing – they share little secrets and messages so they can play and work together nicely. It’s like a game of sharing whispers between computers!

    To 1 year old

    For a 1-year-old, it would be very simple:

    “Chainlink is like a toy that helps computers talk and play together!”

    And then maybe show a smile or a playful gesture to convey friendliness and cooperation, something a 1-year-old can relate to! 🌟

    Explain in Emoji


    • 🔗: Connecting
    • 💻: Computers
    • 🗣️: Communicating
    • 👥: Together
    • 🌍: Everywhere
    • 🔀: Sharing
    • 💡: Smartly
    • 🔒: Securely
    • 🔗: Linking again



    • 🔗: Link
    • 💻: Computers
    • 🌐: World
    • 🔒: Safe
    • 🤝: Together



    • 🔗: Link
    • 💻: Computer
    • 🔒: Safe



    • 🔗: Link
    • 💻: Computer



    • 🔗: Link







  • It’s so fucking epic!!!

    The first time I’ve ever actually been excited for any new car?


  • Especially if you do the math, it is pretty ridiculous. Renting is waaaaay cheaper than buying a house, and having a mortgage payment.

    Not only that, but all these hidden catches like property tax, which could cost a lot to; like $1800 a month, home insurance which is another two or $300, so even if you bought the house in 100% cash, you’re still paying a residual at least $2000 a month. Just throw in another thousand dollars and already rent somewhere super good, and *NOT* be tied down to a stupid property for the next 30 years your life!

    1. Homes
    2. Cars?