HAPTIC Magazine InDesign Template

Download HAPTIC Magazine Issue 1 “Our Story” published Winter 2019 here >

Download Free InDesign Template – Haptic Magazine Issue 1>

Free InDesign Template for Photography Zines

Cindy (CEO of HAPTIC): When I first starting making layouts in InDesign, I confronted a steep learning curve. There were lots of tutorials and resources online, but often they were not targeted towards photographers or image-heavy layouts.

After three years of designing HAPTIC PRESS books (13 digital books, 8 print books to date!), I wanted to help empower photographers and visual artists to make their own publications and zines.

In the spirit of giving and open source information, Eric and I wanted to share the InDesign Template of our first HAPTIC MAGAZINE Issue 1 “our Story” published Winter 2019.

Download Free InDesign Template – Haptic Magazine Issue 1>

README: Congratulations on venturing into the world of zines, publishing, layout, and print/digital design! I wanted to share with you this InDesign layout from our first HAPTIC Magazine issue (Winter 2019) to help you get started. This layout was based off of this template (www.indesignskills.com/templates/fashion-magazine/ ).

Remember to have fun, create lots of backups, and experiment!

Connect and Collaborate with HAPTIC

Share your zines and projects with us at www.forum.erickimphotography.com.

Would you like to see more photography zine templates? Are you interested in working together with me and HAPTIC to publish your first photography and art zine? Send me a note at hapticindustries@gmail.com. 

<3 Cindy Nguyen

January 2019

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