Delete the Gram

Hey brother, I understand your relationship to the gram
Every morning we wake up and turn to the left and pick up our phone
How many new likes did I get? How many new followers did I get?

What’s your plan for getting more followers? What’s the new hashtag I should hop on?

Oh shit, it’s not noon yet, I can’t upload for my fans. I wonder how many more likes I can get?

Stuck in traffic with the phone, no don’t pick up your phone; leave it alone.

With the gram I had no more focus, no more ZEN zone. My mind constantly distracted and defracted. How do I do one thing at a time? Nah, no focus, no tactics for getting real work done.

As kids we’re always told to think outside the box, to innovate, and make new stuff. But now we’re all stuck in boxes. Boxes on the gram, our box cars, our box cubicles, our boxed meals, and our boxed minds.

I say don’t be a slave to the gram; make your own master plan for making new epic shit. Shred your old melody, make it ring. Make your creative heart sing, and shine hard like bling.

Everyday make a new thing, and upload it to your own website or blog. Beat it up like eggnog, share it when though it isn’t perfect. If it’s 80% good enough, hit publish.

Own your own platform, be in your own zone. Today is a new day; build your own Rome.


Why I Deleted My Instagram

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