Trace of my grandfathers Chinese calligraphy

Make the Best of What Life Gives You

Trace of my grandfathers Chinese calligraphy
Trace of my grandfathers Chinese calligraphy

You were never asked to be born– but you’re alive. So, what are you going to do with your life?

1. Life as a game of Texas Hold’em

I see God like a Texas Holdem dealer. He deals some of us good hands (paired face cards), and some of us get the shitty hands (off-suit 2-5). But, success in life ain’t about what cards you get– it is about how well you play your hand.

My friend Justin was the best poker player out of all of me and my friends. Why? He was able to out-bluff everybody. He had guts, panache, and confidence. Often we would fold our hands, even when we had him beat– because he knew how to play his hand.

Life is the same. You can complain that the dealer keeps giving you bad hands. But– it ain’t about the cards, it is about how you play the cards you are given.

2. Exploit privilege

In Texas Holdem poker– sometimes ‘pocket rockets’ (two aces) is actually the worst hand you can get. Why? You become over-confident, and assume you’re going to win. But sometimes you end up losing– because the other guy might have a full-house, and you only have trips.

Or– sometimes you have pocket rockets, and you have TOO MUCH confidence. You don’t know how to best ‘milk’ your opponents, because you don’t know how to play your strong hand. So perhaps this can also be a good analogy for life– if you are born into privilege, don’t squander your powerful position. Also, bring out the best out of your life– even if you are given a good hand.

3. Learn to love the pain

It is a waste of energy, time, and resources to complain. Rather than complain– it is better for us to feel the pain, and use that pain as a STIMULUS to ACHIEVE MORE, to HUSTLE HARDER, and take bigger risks, and more ACTION in our lives!

4. Profit from life!

Therefore as a general rule in life,

Don’t complain — rather, figure out how you can best exploit any situation (good or bad) in life.

Life is short. Don’t sit, complain, and sit on the sidelines. Rather, learn how to profit from your own knowledge, wisdom, and always stay hungry.