The Spartan Economist

The Spartan Economist


A realization waking up this morning; what is my passion? Moving, movement. Anything that motivates me to move, get out, moving across time and space, this is my passion.


Typically when we talk about move, moving… We meant to talk about moving and changing our abode, where we live, what Geo location we live in, city state or country, apartment, etc.

Do you think about it… How much of economic progress can be attributed to movement? Movement of goods products and ideas, people.

For example, let us consider the economy. What is it? It is all about movement!  for example, the movement of ideas in Apple, the movement of raw materials to Foxconn mainland Chinese factories, the movement of the employees and builders inside Faulcon, the movement and shipment of iPhones back to the states, the movement of iPhones from the Apple Store to you, whether you pick it up in store, or it gets delivered to you.

Let us consider Amazon; the number one thing that Amazon has conquered is movement. For example, I was born in 1988, and I still remember… My old scoutmaster Pat Ransil was one of the early engineers at Amazon, and I think he might’ve worked on mechanical Turk.  so Amazon was around ever since I was in middle school in high school, even before anyone really knew what it was.

If you think about the early days of Jeff Bezos… What did he try to do? Books! Apparently stories of him loading up his old Honda Accord with Books, driving to the local USPS store… Delivering books.

And now with the Internet… What is the Internet? The ultimate friction free delivery of information and knowledge.

Even when you think about Tesla, auto pilot, what is the killer feature? Auto pilot! To be able to move your butt from one spot to another, with less fatigue, exhaustion?

For example I test drove Cindy’s dad’s car a Tesla model Y dual motor, and I test drove and experimented with the basic auto pilot feature, which essentially just maintains the distance between you and the car in front of you, and also automatically slows down when other cars are merging, etc. 

 when we drove to the Huntington and back, there’s a certain stretch in downtown LA which has insane amounts of traffic. When I activated the basic auto pilot… All I had to do was move the steering wheel left and right, and the automatic accelerating and breaking smart cruise control was actually insanely useful! first and foremost, I didn’t have to do the dance between accelerating and decelerating, and also, it is like the maximum upside of maintaining some control, like controlling the steering wheel, while having the car automatically do the TDS thing of maintaining distance in between the car in front of you and the car back of you.

And this is one thing I realize; the reason why driving is so exhausting, and draining your physiological energy, especially in LA and during times of traffic is all of the billions of calculations we got to make while driving. Being on maximum alert of insane drivers who automatically cut in and out of traffic without turning on their signals, trying to remember when to merge and not to merge, changing lanes, maintaining speed etc.

I have yet tested out the full self driving auto pilot on a Tesla yet, especially on the newer vehicles, which I assume have newer cameras. But let us assume that the auto pilot works perfectly in terms of automatic steering, automatic acceleration, automatic braking, and you could just keep your hands on your lap, and just relax a bit.

How far?

In regards to moving and movement… How far do you want to go?

Some paradise places I’ve discovered, one being the Stoneview nature center in LA, in the Baldwin Hills. The other day I took him to this solar panel car building workshop, and I swear… The place is like paradise! Having a beautiful and wonderful and warm community center, full of great staff, as well as great hiking paths, being a nature… Even Seneca running around nature, the trees and the grass and the mulch, really brings him to life!

I recently met a theater guy named Abel Horwitz, and he told me something like “we humans are like hairless apes… We need nature community etc.”

I think I have always overlooked the nature part, even though ironically I’m a Boy Scout Eagle Scout. I spent a lot of middle school in high school hiking, being a nature, camping, doing a Boy Scout summer camp etc., but nature never really struck me as something truly critical.

But I think what I love most of my nature, now especially once you got a kid is a nature there are no rules but the rules of physics. You could throw around as many rocks as you would like,  you could be however loud you want, you don’t have to obey any BS rules.

For example, we’ve been spending a lot of time going to the public libraries, and the thing I actually discovered that I hate about libraries is there is this unspoken rule that one must be quiet, orderly, compartmentalized. But this is contrary to the nature of children and kids which is to be boisterous, loud, fun and excited!

I have a funny idea for library; what if you could build a library in which everything was opposite; for example, the rule is actually… You are not allowed to be quiet? All reading is in the ancient Greek style, loud, oratory. 

It’s bizarre even during reading time, in which the volunteers read to kids out loud, they still do it in kind of a hushed voice? 

What’s the problem here?

Everyone thinks that the issue is technology and social media, but this is incorrect. The issue here is actually society.

Society tell you to shut up, sit down, obey directions, even this really kind of bizarre thing I’ve been seeing a lot of parents do is put their kids in some sort of weird timeout, and then use Siri on their iPhones to set a timer, in which the kid must repent for their Sins for arbitrary period of time. Or even worse, setting an alarm to say when it is time to leave the playground?

Certainly there are certain constraints we gotta follow; if we have a truly critical appointment we have to go to, and we have to leave right now, you gotta take the kid. But this whole thing is such a terrible notion because from such a young age, you are already programming a kid to become a slave to time?


Screaming together some thoughts and facts; apparently if you have type two diabetes, which is 100% lifestyle based, which is caused by over consumption of sugar soda Coca-Cola, starches rice beans potatoes, tortillas etc.… It actually starts to your movement and your walking. 

And this becomes a negative feedback with; even the elderly once they retire, what is it that they typically do? They degenerate, end up slowly dying in retirement homes, are indoors all day, not allowed to walk, still consuming lots of sugar, starches and sodas, until they eventually lose their ability to walk.

Even when I think of the average human, tech worker, whatever… It is cruel. To force a human being to stay inside a building, for an arbitrary period of time, when the sun is out and nice… So sad! I still recall my first college, the Santa Monica third tree promenade… I’ll be able to finish all my work in about three hours, for some reason in order to say I had to stay there until around 6:30 or 7 PM, to look like a good worker and coworker?

And this is what I find so ridiculous about the whole office worker notion; the only reason they really have an office is because the company once upon a time, signed a lease on  an office building, maybe because they raise money from venture capitalist and everyone thinks that it is a good thing to have an office building, and because they are blowing so much money on renting that office building… They feel some sort of financial if they’re employees don’t regularly come into the office.

Also, a form of control; you work from home or you work out of the office, you cannot be monitored. And the fear that the higher up is that if you work from home you’re watching Netflix, doing other non-work related things, thus becoming less productive.

Or a weird toxic coworker co-employee thing;

“I hate my life, I am suffering so badly, yet you are much happier than me… I desire for you to be stuck in this miserable office and be miserable with me!”

The solution to this problem is very simple; just start your own business, become self-employed, better to live poor and free than rich and enslaved.


Freedom of Expression

In America, we got freedom of expression. Freedom of whatever you’re into.

Yeah I suppose the new ones is; at what point, is it tyranny?

For example, certainly got the freedom to express yourself however you want. But, you cannot force me against my own will to address you a certain way.

In America, certainly there is racism, sexism, hate. But when do things cross the line?

First, violence. Physical violence, or even motivating people to physical violence, should be illegal.

Yet, verbal violence… This is where things get very tricky. Then suppose, the issue is freedom of hate, freedom of speech, freedom of racism, sexism, as well as issues of religion?

Trigger words

It is true that certain words have been Weaponized to cause negative triggers in people. But let us say that you spin up 1 billion fake bots, which are anti-Semitic, anti-whatever, and you unleash them on real human beings on social media whether it be Facebook Instagram Twitter email etc. And these advanced bots, which are powered by generation three artificial intelligence, control you to extreme ends, all the while when you think that  it is a real human… And you feel all of these negative human emotions, but you essentially figure out that it was a bot the whole time? 


Bot, robot. 

Let us do a thought experiment; let us say that you are photographer on Instagram, and you are very very happy because you have 100,000 followers, and every time you upload a picture, it gets like at least 10,000 times.

But, let us say that one day, I reveal to you that 99,999 of your followers, and 99% of the likes you got were actually from a bot?

Or even worse, let us say that you’re getting cyber bullied email Twitter Instagram Facebook whatever… And the whole time for years, you feel so angry and upset and it ruins your sleep because of all these trolls and haters. But what if I snap my fingers and reveal to you that the whole time, None of them… Literally 0% of them were real human beings, and they were all robots, bots the whole time? How would you feel?

One step further; what then I revealed to you that these bots were not even programmed by a human, but they were programmed by another bot, and that was programmed by another bot, and that was also programmed by another bot. And let us also say that the first that was programmed, wasn’t even from a human, but also from a bot? Scary.

Don’t trust anything which is not face-to-face 

It’s funny… I’m probably one of the most hated, most successful photographers on the planet. I can easily say that I’m the first street photography millionaire. 

What I have learned in my experience is that all these people who are “haters“; we have actually met them in the flesh, we’re actually very cordial, friendly, knew a lot about me in good ways, and essentially what I discovered was they agreed on me with 99% of my opinions, but it was only one or two things that I did that they disagreed with, which invoked strong emotions?

So I say the intelligent thought and the notion is to never give heed to any toxicity on the Internet. Why? Disable all the comments, disable them in your ad blocker, or just delete them. Why? Once again, what if 99.999% of all comments on the Internet or just bots all along? And what if all these comments you’re reading on Reddit, and these these threads… Also, all bots?

Even when I used to be a Reddit user back in college, I don’t think I ever made a Reddit account, nor did I ever leave comments. I think I only left one comment on Reddit in my life, mostly a humorous one. I think 99.999% of real human beings are just lurkers.

Then it makes me think, if you have enough motivation to actually leave a comment, certainly you must be very very personally invested in the thing to actually overcome the function of leaving a comment.

Comments are dead. 

A photo publishing platform that will host and share your photos for free forever… without advertising? 

This is my big idea; very very simple. Essentially the only places that you could post your pictures on the Internet, all are free, but also all are supported by advertising.

There are two companies like smug mug which exist which actually have a sustainable business model, be charged real money for you to host your website and your photos! It seems like a good model because they were to buy out Flickr.

I think the main issue here is that the reason why Flicker was sold and result so many times was nobody could figure out how to monetize it effectively. Even now when you go to Flicker, it is like 90% advertisements? 

What we need is a carte blanche, blank slate approach tipping; if you created a photo sharing or photo publishing website in the year 2024, essentially it should be powered by bitcoin, the bitcoin wallet, Satoshis.

Why? First you need some sort of treasury fund, store value that could allow the platform to live into perpetuity. Example even with — the hosting is just been paid from you from my personal bank account, and essentially I’m just doing the pro bono thing of keeping the platform alive with my own wallet. But when I die, who will pay the hosting?


Can it last 300 years?

Nietzsche came out with some ideas:

 first, how do you know whether someone has any worthwhile ideas or not? Simple; if there are thoughts can last at least 300 years.

Also the sign of a good guitar for; if your photos can still last and impart meaning 300 years from now… They are good.

This is still why time is the best test of things; and why it is good to study the past. For example, the photos of Henri Cartier Bresson as well as Robert Capa. If a photographer has been around for a long time, typically it is sign and signal that their photos are good. This is why when it comes to photos, photography and art, durability is key. And durability just means being around for a long time. 
It is highly dubious that any digital camera will last for 30 years. It seems that the only thing which will last 30 years, maybe even 100 years is some sort of film Leica M camera– I am highly certain that my film Leica MP and 35mm f2 Leica summicron ASPH Lens will still be functional by the time Seneca is 36 years old, and also will still be functional by the time he has the son, and his son is 36 years old.

Film is interesting because as time goes on, it will keep getting more and more expensive, but, I think you will still be able to somehow process it. And also I think a big innovation could be had in terms of making film development and processing very very easy at home, like some sort of cheap machine or easy scanner.

The idea, is like some sort of digital film 36 mm Cartridge, in which you could just swap in and out a digital sensor for your film camera. Or, it could just use traditional 36 mm film, except you could just invent a machine in which you could just throw in the film cartridges, and the machine will automatically process them, and scan them for you!

Photo projects?

 what is a project, or a photography project?

Essentially, I think of it like a book; what is a book? A book is just an enclosed collection of certain writing and ideas. A book could be however long or short as you wanted to be; for example le petite prince, only 36 pages or so? 

And also, I book doesn’t have to be print-based. It could be digital, an e-book, a PDF file, even a really long blog post. Now with the digital transformation, we are beyond a world of analogue.

Arguments against analogue

For example, there is this huge bias that analog, it must be analogue. 

But the most critical issue here, let us think and consider that money is no longer analogue. If money were truly analogue, in the physical realm, instead of caring around pieces of reinforced paper in our wallets, we would have tiny gold coins or something.


Something I would never think of my life; lately I’m kind of into trucks. I like how big and dominant they are, and how massive and chunky they are.

Certainly I don’t actually want to desire to own one, it is impossible for to park in my small parking lot apartment. 

Also, I currently think that the best vehicle of all time is definitely the cyber truck; just follow the kids. All the kids love it!

Also, thinking  about when I was a kid, my dream car is a kid was an Acura Integra type R, red with the white rims. Then when I got into high school, my dream car was a 1991 Sentra SE-R, two door coupe, SR20DE engine, 5 speed manual transmission. And my grand dream vision for modifying it was turbocharging it, SR20DE-T, having it in red, with gold or bronze rims, lowered, with a carbon fiber hood and a carbon fiber trunk. And maybe some red recaro racing seats. 

Also somewhere along the line, I had a dream in a vision to drive a red convertible, top down through the desert, and in college I ended up buying a 1990 Mazda Miata, red, 5 speed manual transmission, convertible, two-door, two seater, and had that for a while.

Later, the desire for some sort of Lamborghini, Matt Black, murdered out, black on Black on black, with the scissor doors?

Now at the age of 36… I’m finding that my preferences are constantly changing.

So then, the logical strategy is to never buy any vehicle, because probably within a few years, whether it be one year, two years three years, four years five years, 10 years 20 years 30 years, your preferences will change!

What fools then do is the trade in their old vehicle for a new one, losing about 80% of the value along the way. And this is why people are so broke.

Bitcoin is the way?

Bitcoin is the hardest working asset, on the planet.  While you are sleeping merrily, it is growing, dislike a cybernetic life form, self programming, its own artificial intelligence. And even without me doing anything, there are thousands of bitcoin proponents, spreading the word of bitcoin “orange pilling“ people.

And without me doing anything… The value of my bitcoin assets keep going up. And very very easily, I could predict that within the next 30 years, the value of it will explode. And also, I definitely see that the ERIC KIM send you in bitcoin family fund  what continue to exist even 300 years from now.

In fact, if I had a will, or instructions to Seneca if I somehow died too quickly, or simple instructions for the whole family and the whole future generations is simple:

The only 1 rule: Don’t sell the Bitcoin!

You can mortgage your home against it, you could borrow money against it, using the bitcoin as collateral, very much how like rich families in New York City do it with their property on fifth Avenue or whatever.

No intelligent or rich or wealthy family power whatever sell their property in the middle of Manhattan, or even the middle of Tokyo. Or the middle of Gangnam in South Korea.  And the goal is you keep that property in your family forever, you passed it down to your kids kids kids. This is what they call generational wealth. 

As a first generation person in America, meaning that I was born in the states, but my parents immigrating from South Korea, I started off with zero. Often when I talk to friends tend to be the typical successful Caucasian American, there is some sort of family wealth in America. For example, learning that one of my friends, their grandparents owned a home in Beverly Hills, certainly a leg up, compared to myself being raised by a single mother, working 80 hours a week as a waitress at a sushi restaurant.


Money is unlimited optionality

I suppose that genius of money as a concept is that money is infinite option reality. What that means is technically, having money, perfect money which doesn’t lose its value due to inflation, aka Bitcoin over traditional fiat currency is best because knowing that our preferences are so fickle; being able to immediately liquidate and use your economic power is wise.

The reason why owning a home or property is quite foolish is because it is not liquid. For example, you cannot just snap your fingers on Saturday and magically sell your house and have $2 million deposited into your bank account. I also think this is where homeownership is a bit convoluted; let us say that you troll Zillow and you see that your family home is worth $3.2 million. If you actually want to sell it, it might take you a year or two or even three years… Tons of closing costs, fees and headaches, legal paperwork etc., and then you have to also find out where to live after that. so the irony about living in Los Angeles and having a house that is worth a lot is that technically, you live there forever, because you’re not rich enough to move anywhere else. So you can’t really do anything with the home value of your house, except pay taxes, property taxes into perpetuity, which will essentially suck your blood dry after 30 years.

So what should one do with money?

 The religion and the cult of capital, capitalism is to keep growing that into perpetuity forever.

For example, I think it is human nature that enough is never enough. We always want more.

For example, you start off with $100 in your savings account, then 500, then 1000, then 10,000, then 100,000, then 1 million, then 10 million, then 100 million, then 1 billion, then 10 billion etc.

Even numbers which become insane; what is Apple worth? A few trillion dollars?

I would not be surprised if in our lifetime we see Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk become the first trillionaire on the planet.

Real needs?

This is where being a stoic capitalist is a wise idea; to essentially live like a poor person, or stoic, or a spartan, and you just keep stacking your capital, forever. And the critical ingredient here is that you must have children, you must have errors. Doesn’t matter if a boy or a girl, You at least want one kid, ideally two kids or more.

Why? Just do the odds; nowadays most people aren’t interested in having any kids — so if you have 1 kid, maybe a high likelihood they won’t want to have any kids as well.

Need vs want?

I also think it is wise for us to critically untangled the difference between need versus want.

We need we must eat, we need must rent, but beyond this… Everything this is just a want?


What should every artist creator desire?

To create a classic.

What is classic mean? It means the best.

For example an ancient room, class of people who are the best, the richest most powerful the most influential were called “classicus”. And as time goes on, the best intermingle with the other best, and us, the new generation of power emerges.