
How do you know when you have perfect, perfection? My thoughts; when you’re in a position in which you wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world?

For example, Seneca. There is nothing I would ever even imagine trading Seneca for. 

Trading in your car?

Something that it seems that Americans are obsessed with is to constantly trade in their car, “upgrade it“ for something new or “better“?

For example, at my apartment I currently have one parking spot, one car, zero intentions of having more than one vehicle.

Also, because I am renting, no electric charger. Also living in Los Angeles.

The first thoughts; if I could trade my 2010 Prius for anything, any vehicle, assuming that it would be my only vehicle… What would I actually trade it for? 

For example, I love the idea of cyber truck, but truth be told, given my current living situations and living in Los Angeles, I’m actually not sure that owning a cyber truck would be a wise idea. Why? I’d love taking Seneca to the park, when I take him to the park in Holmby Hills, parking is often very limited. Almost every single time I will have to circle the entire park to just look for one very short and narrow parking spot.

I think when it comes down to it, and your squeezed, the law of physics, you must obey. No matter how rich or smart or innovative you are, you cannot squeeze your vehicle to magically become more compact to fit that tiny parking spot, or, another thing… a max Mo skinny or slim car to also fit into those insanely tight parking spots. This will often happen when you are trying to park in a parking garage or parking lot… Some fat person SUV  well often park a little bit off, which means that only about 80% of a car can fit in that spot. Fortunately there has been a handful of times, even at the Getty museum in which my 2010 Prius was barely able to squeeze in. Thank God!

So when I think about the current lineup of vehicles, it seems that at the end of the day… The only real practical car worth getting is not the Tesla model S, it is too wide and too long, not the Tesla model X, similarly speaking, it might be longer and wider than it needs to be, and also driving an SUV is not very fun, not the Tesla model, the problem here is that I test drove it and truth be told it is not very comfortable to drive on the freeway, funny enough my 2010 Prius is at least an 80% more comfortable ride on the freeway! 

Then by process of elimination, the best car or the best Tesla or electric car to have in Los Angeles is the Tesla model three, and I have not drove it yet, I think when really comes out to it… Having maximum range is what eventually wins. Why? Let us say that you were trying to do a road trip somewhere, and your Tesla could only make 95% the way there before having to  stop by a supercharger to charge. Pretty annoying, especially when you got two crying kids in the back of your car.


I was randomly studying the etymology for the word durable, durability, durus– I always thought it meant hard, but when you really really go to the origin of the word, it means long. Long duration.

What that then means is the reason why hardness or being hard is a good thing is that it allows you to last longer. Or for something to last longer.

For example, for the most part currently steel is the hardest strongest most durable metal we got. Steel will theoretically last a lifetime, given that you maintain it, sand it down every once in a while, repaint it etc. 

Weightlifting equipment

One purchase that I am insanely happy about is my Texas power bar, 55 pounds, massive and huge, perfect grip and knurling, Long sleeves, I think the thing could rack at least 5000 pounds if it wanted to. It is one of the few things I can imagine passing down to Seneca, having him use it when he grows up! And also, very likely he will be able to pass it down to his kids, and his kids kids. Maybe dad power squat weightlifting bar will be like the family Rolex, cherished, kept and maintained, and then tent is to never sell it, but to always pass it down generation to generation.

The family Rolex

A very curious object in my possession, currently in a safe somewhere is the family Rolex. Apparently my grandfather on my father side, was a very wealthy businessman, I think he bought and sold alcohol, and imagined this… In the 1920s in South Korea, in which South Korea maybe had the same or worse GDP than most African nations, my grandfather owned a German Contax II camera, and also a stainless steel Oyster Perpetual Rolex which still works today!

Anyways, the family Rolex is an heirloom which will never be sold, it will only be handed down generation to generation, from father to son, indefinitely. Molly hope is that Seneca will one day have a son of his own, and if he doesn’t, has a daughter instead, Give it to the daughter, and just keep passing it down generation to generation, head of the household.

Interesting where he gave me the Rolex sometime I think in high school or college, he told me that no matter how broke he was, no matter how desperate he was, he never sold the Rolex. I didn’t even know it existed!

Anyways it becomes interesting because that means there are certain things that we keep, which we never intend on selling. The value of it is infinite, and as time goes on, it will keep going up!

So the first interest thought then is wealth is a mental thing; if you know that you have 100 gold bars locked in a vault somewhere, and you have the key… If become a little bit less anxious about the future because you know if shit hits the fan, Even though it will cause great difficulty, in theory you could liquidate the gold bars, and economically you will be fine.

Million times better than this is bitcoin, which is like Internet, digital, programmable gold, which has a half-life of forever, a true scarcity hard at 21 million bitcoins, compare this with gold which we still are discovering new mines in Africa and on the planet! What is interesting about gold is that we always think of it as a scarcity, but it isn’t. There are still tons and tons of gold which have been discovered on the planet; if you increase the price of gold, then the minors will get to work, and I will guarantee they will discover more gold.

Thing I remember during the war Iraq and all these other conflicts, the general idea was oil was very scarce, and that we were running out or whatever. And then when shit hit the fan, how to know where it seems that the concept of fracking came along, and almost miraculously, we were able to create all this new oil in America that seemed untapped? 

 also, what is very interesting about America is that actually, it seems that we have a shit load of oil, like a lot. And it seems that the strategy of America is to just hoard our own oil, and deplete the oil of other countries, because we don’t want to be in a defensive position in regards to oil.

Therefore as a commodity, oil isn’t truly scares, you could keep making more of it if you wanted to! And all of these loser environmentalist, and like, it looks like a lot of their predictions about the end of the world or whatever, were mostly unheeded.  just rewatch an inconvenient truth, no no no, the planet is not submerged in water.

Bold optimism

This morning, the word that came to mind is bold. Bold innovation, bold money, bold living, bold is better.

I think the motto of today’s world is meek, meekness. When people are antisocial, they are just meek, cowardly, wimpy and emasculated.

For example a strange bias or fashion trend I’ve been seeing for men, is this weird aesthetic of everyone sporting a Hitler mustache? I thought we Americans were anti-Hitler and anti-German?

Also, seems that Americans for some reason, love to give fellatio to German cars, Porsches, 911, etc. Don’t most people in Americans know that Hitler essentially invented or started the Volkswagen car and group, which also owns Lamborghini, Bugatti, Porsche, etc.?

For example, rich wealthy and prosperous Americans, eventually aspire to own a Mercedes BMW, porch, etc. Even most wealthy entrepreneurs in America, as a man once you become successful, ultimate aspiration is to purchase a Porsche 911, 911 GT three RS, maybe a Lamborghini or a Ferrari? 

Instead, maybe the motto should be that German cars are only for weaklings, let us not forget that America beat the Nazis, America is by far the superior fighting force against the Germans, during World War II.

And even Lamborghini I’m starting to realize… I think the whole appeal is towards Italian design? But the colonial powers of Germany, has Usurped Lamborghini into its lineup, and truth be told, nobody cares about Italy anymore. Americans only desire to go to Italy to see the past ruins of the Colosseum, maybe eat pizza whatever, but for the most part, Italy is no more. Same thing goes for the French.

America is on top?

If you think about it, all of the world most valuable companies are all American. Amazon Facebook Twitter post Apple Microsoft etc. This is the new digital colonialism; once again, no way in hell would rich mainland Chinese person preferred to have a phone over an iPhone pro. All the world richest men are American.

But when did America fall out of vogue? 

First, to be pro America is seen as dumb, backwards, knuckle draggers. For example, no educated or wealthy or prosperous American that I know is actually “pro“ America (besides perhaps myself, ERIC KIM EAGLE SCOUT). There’s a strange kind of shame mentality to being American; we kind of know that we are the best, but the same time, we are made to feel bad about it, kind of the Christian Judeo guilt associated in it.

For example, we all kind of know that America is a bad guy, we colonize and destroy other people, cultures, or, we end up assimilating them, we maintain global dominance, sap the resources  of all other countries, and we maintain our dominance across the planet.

Why is it that I have never seen an American, a wealthy American, or an entrepreneurial American aspiring to American things, American values, American products?

For example, is there even such a thing as American luxury? Not really. For example, if you think about luxury clothes, very easily does Louis Vuitton come to mind and Gucci, but are there any really luxurious American clothing brands which are mainstream? None that I can think of.

Or, even the notion of American luxury car; does it exist? No.

Currently what we Americans have going for us is cyber truck. It is by far the hottest car to have an own and drive in LA; the cyber truck will break more than any loser Lamborghini or Ferrari.

And as time is going on, I am starting to think more and more… The downsides of owning a Lamborghini, McLaren, Porsche 911 Porsche 911 GT three RS, any foreign or even domestic car that runs on premium gasoline:

1. Maintenance:

Maintenance costs, and even worse… Maintenance time. For example, let it say that you have to get a oil change in your Lamborghini, or the alternator in your Lamborghini goes out. It will probably be very annoying to have to get it fixed. And also think that the great annoyance here is that even though you’re super rich, having to take your car into the shop, it’s always a hassle, no matter how rich you are. And also even if you’re super rich, having to pay out-of-pocket for expensive repairs, nobody likes the feeling no matter how rich you are. For example even if all is a billionaire, and suddenly there was a $10,000 repair job on my car, I would be pretty annoyed. This is one grand upside of having some sort of electric super sports car, at least you know that maintenance cost will be less. Also, fewer maintenance headaches.

2. Time space continuum and location

If you think about time and space, These are two things from physics perspective you cannot change.

For example, let us say that you currently live in a very desirable location somewhere, and your gridlocked in traffic all around you. The difference between owning or renting an apartment or a home even a few blocks this way or that way makes a big difference.

For example, I currently live on the street in Culver City, the perfect distance and location to the metro E line,  close walking proximity to the best hot yoga studios, essentially the only and the best place to walk around in Los Angeles.

I was contemplating on purchasing property in the neighborhood, even a few blocks the other direction. But that would be bad because it would add at least 10 or 15 minutes to our commute, which is a positively bad thing, when we are in a hurry or in a rush. Saving time, or minimizing time distance is key. 

When push comes to shelf, always being closer and proximity to something is superior; especially when you’re rushing off to a yoga class, and you only have two minutes to get there.

American cars?

So the first thought is if you want to be the big swinging deck in the room, the big silver caulk, cyber truck is your best bet. Essentially it is $120,000 silver stainless steel penis on steroids. 

If you want everybody on the road or the street or the freeway or in traffic to bow down and obey you, placate to you, kowtow to you, cybertruck is the way. I also believe the 0 to 60 speed on the cyber beast is only 2.6 seconds; faster than any Porsche 911! And the stainless steel excel skeleton is literally bulletproof, and also I think the windows are quite bulletproof as well. I’m not sure how it does in the crash testing, But assuming that you have kids in the backseats, you probably feel safe? 


A very innovative car that I like is the new mid engine Corvette. Even Seneca got confused, he saw it on the road and he thought it was either a Ferrari or a Lamborghini, because of the massive side air ducts, and the overall stance proportions and jet fighter jet pilot Look of it;  it is essentially like having a Lamborghini or a Ferrari without having to pay the sucker price tag!

I even had a vision of creating a fake Ferrari; you essentially get a red new Corvette, some yellow brake calipers, put on some fake Ferrari emblems, change up the body style a bit, maybe change up the tail lights or the headlights or at a body kit or something… And I think most people would not know that it wasn’t a Ferrari.

scissor doors?

Everyone wants the billionaire doors; the suicide doors this is our doors the gull wing doors, the butterfly doors whatever you want to call it.

 but if you put up suicide doors, and you’re the only person who goes inside the car and witnesses yourself going to the car… Is it worth it?
