Towing Capacity?

Save money is to save energy?


Why have a trophy asset?

Why trophies? 


Too good, government is gonna ban it?

Chaos & Bitcoin


Monetary Strength


Artificial . Not credible

Weak currencies will collapse


If trump gets elected, economy will get stronger

–> more antagonistic to China?


90 days, NASDAQ


For 30 years, 10 years?

Open digital network


Gradually then suddenly



Regulated stable coin


Thinking like a capitalist?


New products. New financial products?


Bitcoin as a digital hotel?

–> generating yield?


Regulated stable coins


Broken glass



traditional IPO?


Separate the men from the boys

Don’t be a boy– be a true mensch?



Life stages

For the patient investor

Don’t leverage or over leverage


Flush out the system

Creative detox, creative destruction

Crossing the Chasm

Take the long view


Intelligent, affluent buyer 10 years from now —

75% draw down –> can I stand that?

Cut in half over night –> deleverage

25% loan to value?


Manage without any leverage

We need better leaders?

Economy, economy car,,, economy living

Economic Living




Internet … base layer. Email

Lightning network

Open, Permissionless protocol for transactions world wide


Program the money


“Your neck looks old”


SMTP–> email systems to inter operate

Email integration

Open protocols win, proprietary loses

Ethical, Permissionless

Trust them

Trust is critical

Everyone shares , nobody controls


Open AI


Billion fake accounts on Twitter, YouTube, TikTok. Instagram, Facebook

Free accounts –> must be crypto or monetary secured

Post a security deposit

Integrate it all

Positive friction

Create friction

100 satoshis.

Consequence, truth and integrity in cyber space


Inscribe truth

Messages, emails with satoshis

Sign a message now


10 years from now,,, cryptographically prove you said it and own it


Prove you own your own money **-> first idea

Cyber security and truth network

Bet on the best horse


Is GOAT zero sum?


Free sats?


Fake Ferrari


Wax Seal not broken


The greatest stoic of all time? –> EK?






Future conflict , cyber power

Cyber defense system ,,, cyber, digital power?






Simple. Simplicity

Cryptographically sign email




Make it kid proof

Kid unbreakable


Lightning address



Satoshi reward

Don’t be late, I want the Satoshi reward


Bitcoin is a religion

Religion > Cult


150M bitcoin wallets

Every Amazon account into lightning address


Survey for satoshis

Think Satoshis


The more useful and up vote ,,, more Satoshis


A new Reddit or social media network with lightning and satoshis?


Micro transaction and streaming


Capital Moves


Well engineered. Decentralized protocol

4 Mb, 10 minute frequency

Decentralized node network


14 years to diffuse and mature

Growing pains

21M, beautiful halving protocol, every 4 years


You must cap it ***

Digital commodity


Digital scarcity

True scarcity


Analogue Power


Infinite gold in the universe

Sequentially numbered gold coins forever


Bitcoin Hedge Fund

–> blend of ETF, owner private, etc?

10T, 100T monetary energy, 500T monetary energy

Monetary Energy


Denier, haters don’t buy


THINK from fundamentals


100s hours, maximalist investor

Back testing is fake

Dollar cost average

Do what’s best for Seneca & Cindy


Break all the models


Young investor

Short sellers ,,, people who short bitcoin will eventually buy it!

–> on a long enough time horizon, haters become lovers!


Reverse order

The most exciting market in the world


Saturday afternoon


Fundamental investors


Technocrat -> Maximalist

Water flows down hill


Skeptical of steel, aluminum and electricity


Lower to the ground is always best?


Taller up is more fragile


Bitcoin adjacent companies



Tighter is Better****


Bright orange is best ***


Mile stone

Very big positions


Think Achilles


Think Sparta

300… hot gates


Men don’t care for old women,,, older women?


“Companion”– companionship is bad?


Energy costs

How to hedge?



Electricity expensive ,,, upgrade your technology

Technology and capital intensive


Edge of the power grid

Antiquated equipment gets squeezed out


Fertility for child begetting


The cost of energy —

Self healing and naturally healthy


Energy to capital intensive


The cheapest electricity or the cheapest and best ASICs


Count the number of ways you can fail


Jack up the price, re negotiate

Triple lease price?

Secure the energy supply


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