21st century, podcasting

20th century,,, 100 students at a time


20, 40 years … 4,000 people


We are all educators

Give music to a billion people, free digital music

Digital Education

Digital Money

Give money to a billion people

Go forward not back, make the world a better world!


Mortgage homes and buy Bitcoin


Sept 2020–

Bitcoin is scarce desirable property, hold my whole life.

Negative working capital, debt, rather than equity?


2.7% mortgage rate

2.8– 5.2%, cost of home went up 80%

Holding cash is losing 20% of value year over year


Cheap Money

Preserve generational wealth

Cheap mortgages

Watch old interviews


10,000 a coin, gold is down 15%, bitcoin is up 100%–>

Lose 15% of your money or double your money


100% means double


Less than a year or 2 years

30 year time horizon … investor

Why invest?

2 months is trading


US Economy

March 2020– been in recession

Real output, strength of currency

Losing 20% of purchasing power,

40% purchasing power lost in 2 years, 5% growth


Tied to commodities

11-13% Korean WON down


Collapsing against the dollar

Developing down 40%


US dollar coin

Tether or Circle



Medium of exchange, US DOLLAR

4 years less. US DOLLAR

4-40 years, property –> Bitcoin is the best property


Weaker because of counter parry risk, and task risk,,, not portable ***


You can move bitcoin not certain others?

The economy not working well, 2020 Feb

March 2020, 0% Japanese tourism


Money supply increasing

600-800B spending bill?

Governments will collapse

Capital controls

Sri Lanka. Nigeria, illegal to accept US DOLLARS




You can’t print more energy ****

You can’t print more food


Digital Energy ***

Convert energy into a block of encrypted energy, hold forever, doesn’t lose energy!


Don’t drain energy –> electric battery?


Phong Le


President and CFO


20 months

People are foolish with money?

The pandemic changed everything

0% money

Digital transformation


$500M cash

Sovereign debt

Buy the Shelby!


Digital gold or bitcoin –> dominant, capped at 21M

Natural inflation hedge

First Principles… solution to inflation

Wasn’t obvious?

5%, inflation, 20% inflation


Defensive than offensive

Opportunistic and strategic

Main Street company AND a Wall Street company!

Digital property

Property acquisition, property development company


Acquiring more digital property, bitcoin

6.5B Bitcoin business


Bitcoin is great because not held back by the laws of physics

200M bitcoin holders

Digital transformational zeitgeist


Risk reward


Bitcoin is Hard Money

Becoming harder


Increase in value. Underlying value


Hard property

Cyber economy, 21sr century cyber economy

Billion dollar digital hotel


Think Digital

Matter ***

Digital Matter


Bitcoin for Photographers


66 countries dollarize.


Not just asset but network


3M people Download App


130% interest last decade … more than double


6B people, 8B if Chinese didn’t block it



Think Lightning


Property rights

2.5B people don’t have property rights

How to save $300 for a year?


Energy drain? –>?

Don’t drain your energy


Economic imperative

500T dollars

Bitcoin is a better store of value than the US DOLLAR



PayPal, square


300 years conventional banking

Geo political technology interplay


Technology for property rights , moral imperative

Poverty & Bitcoin


Conserve economic energy

No security for your family


Aspiration for your future, strip hope

America was founded on hope. American dream

Bitcoin is a very American thing –> the Bitcoin American dream

World Power, strengthen America

Reject steel, internet or electricity


Bitcoin & Muscles


Not a trader

No short time horizon


At least 4 years, forever asset


Give it to your heirs

What NOT to do

Don’t sell the Bitcoin

Jan 2020 — peak of economy


Before Covid



Not perfect


Travel is Dead?


The free market

Restraints on trade, massive economic inefficiencies

War on Carbon?

War on foreigners?

Jan 1, 2020–

The war on currency?

M2 money supply — 41% expansion of money supply


Don’t expand the supply?

45-46% single family prices exploded –> slightly outperform money supply


13% S&P

185% Bitcoin up


How do homeless people dress?

250M Bitcoin

Aug 10th.



August 10, 2010

-1% nasdaq

18 months

11% up

26% single family home

20-25% money supply


86% up, even though thrashed

Less than 2 years trader . RIGHT AND Wrong ,,, ?

Proprietary expertise



10 year. Saver *


The stock market is not the economy, the economy is not the stock market!

2011, 2012… trouble



Empire of debt


Real inflation

GROWTH is slowing down?



Let assets drop ***

Just let it drop


Energy issues. Oil in Russia

Simplify simplify simplify!

Simplifying your life. Workouts and money?


Avoid eye contact with black holes?

1T cannot replace Apple


Humanity Ingenuity

10x price of gold

Commodity –> you cannot issue it


Tie yourself to the mast, ears wax bees

1730 … dangerous


Okay when it is down there


Charts are fake


When Bitcoin is down,,, so is everything else.?

Dollar cost average into scarce desirable assets –> rational

Nobody can time the market


Afford to maintain


4 year moving average bitcoin


How to be Antifragile in a chaotic world

HOW TO BE stoic in chaos or chaotic world?

More than Stoic — Antifragile


Decades,,, no management team, competitors, product cycle


It’s a different thing



Maintain property for 10 years


Demonetization of gold –> flows into Bitcoin


Your feeling of vigor?

Price adjustment


Parade of horribles

Reverse next decade

Wash trading


The March of hedonism?


Existential threat

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