
the mag- nitude of importance of those satisfactions with respect to which we are conscious of being dependent on command of the good.

Magnitude of importance of those satisfactions

–> how conscious we are in terms of how dependent we are on it, and the command of it?


Principle of value determination

Magnitude of importance

Human economy

The importance of a satisfaction

Stupid men and defective knowledge

Rational economic activity

Subject to error

Error is inseparable from all human knowl- edge.


Men are especially prone to let themselves be misled into over- estimating the importance of satisfactions that give intense momentary pleasure but contribute only fleetingly to their well- being, and so into underestimating the importance of satisfactions on which a less intensive but longer enduring well-being depends. In other words, men often esteem passing, intense enjoyments more highly than their permanent welfare, and sometimes even more than their lives.

“I’m over it–“

Permanent welfare


Once you get a kid, paradigm shift –> everything changes

–> who do you desire to be your mate?


The subjective factor of value determination

Appraising your own state of mind

their per- ception of the objective factor of value determination


You don’t have to maintain bitcoin like real property

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