Think Mobile. 


Tear down the walls!

Little man in a little car?


Innovate the form factor


Venture further


why real life is important

A lot of random people on the Internet who have an opinion, comment, or haters or whatever… If you see them in the flesh, and they’re only 4‘10“ tall, their opinion no longer matters to you. Or if they are morbidly obese, lots of bad skin acne whatever . 

The opinion of small, short, ugly old men don’t matter?

A small man, is he even a man?


men who hide?

Man who hide behind their sunglasses, their baseball caps and ugly facial hair, the tint in their car, behind their AirPods, etc.?

tokenized debt

Tokenized debt, actually a very interesting use case for tokens.

Why? Maybe one of the best ways to think about and consider money, is that it is just solidified debt and credit.

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