Smaller is Better

We must begin by considering the population and the territory. The former should be as small as we can make it without sacrificing independence and the capacity for a moral life. The smaller the population the more manageable it will be.

Smaller population , easier to manage!

Thus the goal: easier to manage!

The territory must be large enough to supply the citizens with the means of living liberally and temperately, with an abundance of leisure. The city should be in a central position.

Abundance of leisure.

Communication with the sea is desirable for economic and military reasons; but the moral effects of sea trade are bad. If the state has a marine, the port town should be at some distance from the city.

In dealing with the land of the state we must distinguish between public demesnes and private estates. Both kinds of land should be tilled by slaves or barbarians of a servile disposition.

Slaves or barbarians to do dirty work.


The citizens should be educated to obey when young and to rule when they are older. Rule is their ultimate and highest function.

War for the sake of peace?

war is nothing but a means towards securing peace.

Start with bodily training

But education must follow the natural order of human development, beginning with the body, dealing next with the appetites, and training the intellect last of all.

Body, food and appetite, then intellect at the very end!