I have regretted often, but repented never. Is this a good thing?

The demands of mass production are contrary to my temperament, for I am mainly interested in promoting new developments. I should like to put something new into my cars every morning – an inclination that terrifies my staff. Were my wishes in this respect to be indulged, there would be no production of standard models at all, but only a succession of prototypes.

Promoting new developments

Think chassis…

Just try it out?

I gave the 4, 6 and 8 cylinder a chance. We even built a bi-cylinder. But the classical 12 cylinder engine remains my trademark and certainly the most popular of my engines.

Our proverb runs: ‘He who has his health is rich and doesn’t know it.’ You consider the essential fragility of life.

What we do at Ferrari is elite work.

Elite Work.

A car maker need be neither an engineer nor a technician. He must be someone who loves his passion for cars and he must be someone who knows a lot about human beings. His job is to harmonize the ambitions of his collaborators.