George Lucas Quotes

  1. Born in Modesto California, 1944– 44 years before me?
  2. Studied at USC — hugely inspired by Akira Kurosawa— I love Kurosawa!

Quotes biography

George Lucas, an iconic figure in the world of cinema, has made significant contributions as a director, producer, and screenwriter. His life and career are as fascinating as the quotes he has left us with.


Additional Quotes by George Lucas

  1. On Art and Completion: “A movie is never finished, only abandoned” oai_citation:10,60 George Lucas Quotes From The Iconic American Film Director | Kidadl.
  2. On Action and Effort: “No! Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try” oai_citation:11,60 George Lucas Quotes From The Iconic American Film Director | Kidadl.
  3. On Existentialism: “There is no why. We are. Life is beyond reason” oai_citation:12,60 George Lucas Quotes From The Iconic American Film Director | Kidadl.
  4. On Talent and Discovery: “Everybody has talent, it’s just a matter of moving around until you’ve discovered what it is” oai_citation:13,60 George Lucas Quotes From The Iconic American Film Director | Kidadl.
  5. On Perception of Success: “You don’t see the struggle part of a person’s life. You only see the success they have” oai_citation:14,60 George Lucas Quotes From The Iconic American Film Director | Kidadl.
  6. On Perspective: “Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly upon our own point of view” oai_citation:15,60 George Lucas Quotes From The Iconic American Film Director | Kidadl.
  7. On Education: “The one way the world hasn’t changed: teaching is still the most important job” oai_citation:16,60 George Lucas Quotes From The Iconic American Film Director | Kidadl.
  8. On Intelligence: “The ability to speak does not make you intelligent” oai_citation:17,60 George Lucas Quotes From The Iconic American Film Director | Kidadl.
  9. On Audience Perception: “None of the films I’ve done was designed for a mass audience, except for ‘Indiana Jones’” oai_citation:18,60 George Lucas Quotes From The Iconic American Film Director | Kidadl.
  10. On Knowledge Sharing: “Always pass on what you have learned” oai_citation:19,60 George Lucas Quotes From The Iconic American Film Director | Kidadl.

Lucas’s journey from a young filmmaker inspired by classic literature and adventure, to creating one of the most enduring and influential sagas in film history, is a testament to his vision, creativity, and determination. His quotes reflect his deep insights into filmmaking, storytelling, and human nature.

Narrative art?

As the first museum to focus exclusively on storytelling through images, the Lucas Museum of Narrative Art™ believes that visual storytelling can connect us and help shape a more just society. 

Star … Wars?

  1. Wars — Focus on wars and war?
  2. Star … like the stars, outer space, planets?


George Lucas, renowned for creating the iconic “Star Wars” franchise, has shared many thought-provoking and insightful quotes throughout his career. Here are some notable ones:

  1. On Perspective and Reality: “Always remember, your focus determines your reality.” This quote, from “Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace,” emphasizes the power of mindset and how our focus shapes our perception of the world oai_citation:1,TOP 25 QUOTES BY GEORGE LUCAS (of 263) | A-Z Quotes.
  2. On Fear and Its Consequences: From “Star Wars: The Phantom Menace,” Lucas stated, “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” This quote reflects on the destructive chain reaction that can stem from fear, a central theme in the “Star Wars” saga oai_citation:2,George Lucas Quotes (Author of Star Wars) – Goodreads.
  3. On Passion and Persistence: Lucas advises, “You have to find something that you love enough to jump over hurdles and break through the brick walls.” This encourages perseverance and finding passion in what we do oai_citation:3,57 Inspirational Quotes From ‘Star Wars’ and George Lucas.
  4. On Mythology and Human Nature: He once reflected, “Mythology gives you a sense of what a people believes, what they fear.” This insight shows his understanding of mythology not just as stories, but as reflections of collective human beliefs and fears oai_citation:4,Top 10 George Lucas Quotes – BrainyQuote.
  5. On Importance and Film: Lucas remarked, “The secret to film is that it’s an illusion. Keep going through the things that you like to do until you find something that you actually seem to be extremely good at.” This quote highlights his belief in the power of persistence and finding one’s true calling oai_citation:5,39 Most Inspiring George Lucas Quotes (STAR WARS).

Lucas’s quotes often reflect deep insights into human nature, storytelling, and the pursuit of one’s passions.