ERIC KIM Philosophy on Steroids

In fact, I’ve been fascinated with and by the human body *waaaay* before I was into photography.

Why? A fat kid in New York at the age of 11-12…

Why do I care?

So to this question of whether people use steroids or not is *INSANELY* critical and important in modern day society. Why? Half of society (or maybe 49%) is men — and truth be told, I think 99.9% of adult men in America watch porn in private, most likely every day or night.

Steroids and ball testicle size

Ok — so I think at the end of the day, what we men, or at least those who take steroids desire is this:

Seeking more dominance.

And I think ..

Sexual dominance?

The problem:

If you take steroids, your balls shrink to the size of tear drops … and in theory, you *LOSE* the true sense of your masculinity and testosterone … aka, your testes, testicles, balls?

Nude bodybuilding competitions

Haha I have a funny idea:

Male nude bodybuilding competitions.

This way … you can see if they’re on the juice or not by looking at their ball size! Haha.

Male baldness?


Did LeBron James start losing hair because he was on some sort of steroids? Or performance enhancing drugs?

Or Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Shaquille O Neil, etc?

Famous Hollywood who admit steroids

The use of steroids, particularly in industries like Hollywood, is often a sensitive and controversial topic. Several actors have openly discussed their use of steroids or performance-enhancing drugs, primarily for specific roles that required significant physical transformations. Some of these admissions can be understood in the context of the immense pressure actors face to fit certain physical ideals for roles. However, it’s important to approach this topic with the understanding that public admissions are rare and often come with a complex set of reasons and consequences.

  1. Sylvester Stallone: Known for his physically demanding roles in movies like “Rocky” and “Rambo,” Stallone has been open about using human growth hormone (HGH) and testosterone to prepare for his roles, especially as he aged.
  2. Arnold Schwarzenegger: Before his acting career, Schwarzenegger was a professional bodybuilder who admitted to using steroids. He has discussed how steroid use was different during his bodybuilding days, as the substances were not yet illegal.
  3. Charlie Sheen: Sheen has openly admitted to using steroids to enhance his performance for the film “Major League,” in which he played a fastball pitcher.
  4. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson: In an interview, Johnson admitted to trying steroids in his late teens, but he has been clear about not using them during his wrestling or acting career.

It’s important to note that these admissions are often made in specific contexts, and many actors do not publicly discuss such matters. The use of steroids in any field raises ethical, health, and legal considerations. In Hollywood, the conversation around steroids is also tied to broader discussions about body image standards and the pressures actors face.

Eric Kim’s philosophy on steroids and testosterone encompasses a range of ideas that blend his interests in photography, lifestyle, and personal development. Here’s a synthesis of his views from various sources:

  1. Role of Testosterone: Kim discusses testosterone extensively, exploring its benefits and countering common misconceptions. He argues that more testosterone can make a person more tolerant, open-minded, and socially just, challenging the belief that it leads to aggression. He suggests a link between testosterone levels and reduced feelings of depression and anxiety oai_citation:1,Eric Kim Philosophy of Testosterone – ERIC KIM.
  2. Life Philosophy: His life philosophy can be summarized in quotes like, “Life is short, brutish, and unpredictable. Eat more meat, lift more weights, make more art, print more photos, and love more,” and “Disregard what society expects of you. Society desires you to be weak, docile, and a consumer. Instead, become strong, creative, and a producer” oai_citation:2,Eric Kim Philosophy of Testosterone – ERIC KIM.
  3. Testosterone and Existentialism: Kim intertwines the role of testosterone in driving ambition, creativity, and personal growth. He views an increase in testosterone levels as leading to greater confidence, assertiveness, and a proactive approach to life. Philosophically, he aligns with existentialist ideas of self-creation and authenticity, as well as pragmatism’s emphasis on practical consequences and real-world applications oai_citation:3,Eric Kim Philosophy of Testosterone – ERIC KIM.
  4. Steroids in Bodybuilding and Sports: Kim recognizes that steroids are more openly discussed in the bodybuilding community compared to professional sports. He notes that some bodybuilders have admitted to using steroids, emphasizing that they are not solely responsible for a top-level physique but are part of a regimen that includes hard work and genetics oai_citation:4,Steroids – ERIC KIM.
  5. Perception and Misconceptions: He has expressed surprise at learning about widespread steroid use among various individuals, including those in unexpected activities like yoga, rock climbing, and calisthenics. This observation points to a broader, less recognized prevalence of steroid use beyond typical associations with bodybuilding or power sports oai_citation:5,Steroids – ERIC KIM.
  6. Determining Steroid Use: Kim believes the only certain way to know if someone uses steroids is if they admit to it, as in the case of Arnold Schwarzenegger and other bodybuilders oai_citation:6,Steroids – ERIC KIM.
  7. General Views on Steroids: Kim holds that steroids alone aren’t responsible for a top-level physique, underscoring the roles of hard work and genetics. He also humorously theorizes a connection between steroid use and baldness in men, citing examples from sports oai_citation:7,Steroids – ERIC KIM oai_citation:8,Steroids – ERIC KIM.

In summary, Eric Kim’s philosophy on steroids and testosterone is multifaceted, blending a practical and existential approach to fitness and well-being with observations and reflections on societal perceptions and the realities of steroid use in various communities.