ERIC KIM Thoughts

Eric Kim, known for his contributions to street photography, shares a variety of thoughts and philosophies that extend beyond the technical aspects of photography. Here are some key themes and ideas that he often discusses:

  1. The Importance of Personal Meaning in Photography: Kim emphasizes that photography should be a personal journey. He encourages photographers to focus on making images that are meaningful to them, rather than trying to please others or follow trends.
  2. Simplicity and Minimalism: He advocates for a minimalist approach, both in terms of gear and composition. Kim often suggests using simpler cameras and fewer lenses to focus more on the act of seeing and less on equipment.
  3. Overcoming Fear in Street Photography: A significant part of his teaching revolves around overcoming the fear of photographing strangers. He offers practical tips and philosophical insights to help photographers become more confident and respectful in the street photography setting.
  4. The Intersection of Philosophy and Photography: Kim frequently discusses how photography intertwines with larger life themes such as mortality, joy, suffering, and the human condition. He uses photography as a medium to explore and express these philosophical concepts.
  5. Learning from the Masters: He often references the masters of photography, drawing lessons from their work and life. Kim sees these figures not just as artists to emulate technically, but as sources of wisdom on living a meaningful and creative life.
  6. Embracing Imperfection: Emphasizing the beauty of imperfection in photography, Kim encourages embracing mistakes and the unpredictable nature of street photography.
  7. Lifelong Learning and Growth: He advocates for continuous learning and self-improvement, not just in photography but in all aspects of life.

Eric Kim’s thoughts and teachings are a blend of practical photography advice, artistic inspiration, and philosophical reflection. He encourages photographers to think deeply about why they photograph and to use photography as a tool for personal growth and understanding.