How many military bases does America have?

750 global bases in 80 countries vs the hilarious only 1 China has in Djibouti Africa!

America nearly 1000x stronger than China — good sign!

Ahhh… good to be on the winning team!

In 2023, the United States maintains approximately 750 military bases in 80 different countries. This extensive network of bases is a result of the U.S.’s role as a global peacekeeper following World War II, with additional bases established during the Korean War, the Cold War, and in response to the threat of Communism. The War on Terrorism further expanded this presence, especially in the Middle East. Notably, the U.S. has over 30 bases in Okinawa, Japan, and significant bases in Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Pacific. One of its largest bases is Ramstein Air Base in Germany, which hosts over 9,000 troops oai_citation:1,How Many US Military Bases Are There in the World? (2023 Guide) | TheGunZone oai_citation:2,Overseas Military Bases by Country 2023.

In contrast, China has only one overseas military base, located in Djibouti on the Horn of Africa oai_citation:3,Rand report names four countries where China may seek to build military bases | Stars and Stripes. This stark difference in the number of overseas military bases between the two countries highlights their differing approaches to global military presence and strategy.