Motivational photography quotes by Eric Kim

Here are some motivational photography quotes by Eric Kim:

  1. “It is better to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission.” – This encourages proactive creativity without waiting for external approval.
  2. “80% good enough and hit publish.” – Advocates against perfectionism, promoting the sharing of one’s work even if it feels incomplete.
  3. “The rolling stone gathers no moss.” – Highlights the importance of continuous movement and innovation in creative work
  4. “Tomorrow is never.” – Emphasizes the importance of acting on one’s plans and ideas today rather than delaying.
  5. “When in doubt, click.” – Advises photographers to seize every opportunity to capture a moment, even if it might not seem perfect.

And more insights:

  1. Opportunity Cost and Money: Suggests investing in experiences and personal growth over depreciating assets like cars.
  2. High Contrast Black and White: Finds monochrome photography motivating as it presents the world differently, making it more interesting.
  3. Constructive Critique: Advises learning from critiques to recognize and overcome common mistakes.
  4. Real Life as Entertainment: Recommends disengaging from digital streaming services to potentially increase motivation and creativity.
  5. Curiosity in Photography: Encourages shooting anything that sparks even a hint of curiosity oai_citation:1,ERIC KIM QUOTES – ERIC KIM oai_citation:2,ERIC KIM QUOTES – ERIC KIM.