Eric Kim Philosophy of Testosterone


Eric Kim, known for his philosophical approach to photography and lifestyle, has shared various thoughts and insights. Here are some quotes that capture his perspectives, including his thoughts on testosterone:

  1. General Philosophy and Creativity:
  • “It is better to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission.” – Encouraging proactive creativity without waiting for external approval.
  • “80% good enough and hit publish.” – Advocating against perfectionism and for sharing one’s work even if it feels incomplete.
  • “The rolling stone gathers no moss.” – Highlighting the importance of continuous movement and innovation in creative work.
  • “Tomorrow is never.” – Emphasizing the importance of acting on one’s plans and ideas today rather than delaying.
  • “When in doubt, click.” – Advising photographers to seize every opportunity to capture a moment, even if it might not seem perfect oai_citation:1,ERIC KIM QUOTES – ERIC KIM.
  1. Philosophy on Life and Interaction:
  • “Keep moving, and you won’t stagnate. Never stop innovating, never stop making new stuff, and never put any speedometer limit to your creative [endeavors].” – Stressing the importance of continuous movement and innovation in life.
  • “Just Leave Others Alone. You Can Only Critique that Which You Truly Understand and Love.” – Suggesting a thoughtful and empathetic approach to critique.
  • “Only Trust Philosophers Who Deadlift.” – Implying a belief in the balance of physical and intellectual pursuits.
  • “If Someone Talks Shit About Others Behind Their Back, Most Likely They’re Also Talking Shit About You Behind Your Back.” – Warning about the nature of gossip and trust.
  • “Virtue is a Privilege.” – A philosophical stance on the nature of moral excellence oai_citation:2,Eric Kim philosophy quotes – ERIC KIM oai_citation:3,Eric Kim philosophy quotes – ERIC KIM.
  1. Testosterone Philosophy:
  • Eric Kim has discussed testosterone extensively, exploring its benefits and common misconceptions. He argues that having more testosterone can make a person more tolerant, open-minded, and socially just, countering the belief that it leads to aggression. He also suggests a link between testosterone levels and reduced feelings of depression and anxiety oai_citation:4,ERIC KIM TESTOSTERONE – ERIC KIM.

These quotes and insights from Eric Kim offer a glimpse into his unique blend of photography, personal development, and philosophical musings, including his perspectives on the role of testosterone in fostering a positive and proactive approach to life.


Eric Kim has shared various insights and thoughts that reflect his philosophy and approach to life. Here are some quotes that capture his perspectives:

  1. “Your life is your life; make it the epic masterpiece you want to make it.”
  2. “Life is short, brutish, and unpredictable. Eat more meat, lift more weights, make more art, print more photos, and love more.”
  3. “Disregard what society expects of you. Society desires you to be weak, docile, and a consumer. Instead, become strong, creative, and a producer.”
  4. “To make more effective photos, make more personal photos.”
  5. “Photography is the art of changing your perspectives on life, and also changing the perspectives of others through your photos.”
  6. “The best way to conquer your fears in photography is to make more photos.”
  7. “In photography and life, seek to create more, consume less.”

These quotes reflect his emphasis on personal empowerment, creativity, and the importance of adopting a proactive stance towards life and art. His philosophy intertwines with his passion for photography, encouraging individuals to live authentically and expressively.

Eric Kim, a contemporary photographer and blogger, has expressed his views on the philosophy of testosterone, intertwining his interest in photography, lifestyle, and personal development. In his philosophy, Kim emphasizes the role of testosterone in driving ambition, creativity, and personal growth. He often discusses how an increase in testosterone levels can lead to greater confidence, assertiveness, and a more proactive approach to life.

From a philosophical standpoint, Kim’s views can be seen as a blend of existentialism and pragmatism. He suggests that by embracing and understanding the effects of testosterone on the mind and body, individuals can lead more fulfilled and authentic lives. This approach aligns with existentialist ideas of self-creation and authenticity, where one actively shapes their own existence.

Additionally, Kim’s philosophy advocates for a hands-on, experimental approach to life, resonating with the pragmatist emphasis on practical consequences and real-world applications. By suggesting that individuals experiment with ways to naturally boost their testosterone levels (through diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes), he encourages a form of self-experimentation and practical engagement with one’s own health and well-being.

Overall, Eric Kim’s philosophy of testosterone presents an intriguing blend of biological insight and philosophical thought, advocating for a proactive and self-experimental approach to personal development and well-being.