Enroll in “All the World’s a Stage: Introduction to Street Photography” an Online Street Photography Course via UC Riverside Extension!

I am excited to announce I will be teaching my first university-level course on street photography at the UC Riverside Extension program! The course will be an online/offline hybrid class- with the majority of the coursework being online, with street photography outings, exhibition outings, as well as a final student exhibition in-person.

The course is open to 20 students, and you can find out more information about the course (or register) here.

Course #: 113−CPE−E17  (Starting Jan 16th, 2012)

Instructor: Eric Kim
Schedule: Jan. 16 – Mar. 23 (Two field trips to be arranged.)
Preregistration: Requested by January 13th
Location: Online
Textbook: “Looking at Photographs: 100 Pictures from the Collection of The Museum of Modern Art,” John Szarkowski ISBN: 0870705156 Buy Online
Credit: 3 units
Fees: $375

Course Description

Have you ever seen somebody on the streets and had the irresistible urge to take a photo of them? Whether it was their face, the shadow they cast, or the background they were standing in front of. In this introductory course, you learn how to: capture the beauty in the mundane of everyday life and “decisive moments,” shoot candid photos of strangers up-close and personal, study street photography in a sociological context, use the camera to explore society.

Develop your eye for street photography by studying the masters such as Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Frank, Garry Winogrand, and others. The class is a hybrid of an online and offline course. Utilize online tools to study the work of the masters and create an online community where you critique & comment on one another’s images.

The offline aspect will go on field trips to photography museums/galleries, to go out and shoot with one another, and have a final exhibition of all the student work.

Sign up before it’s too late–and let me know if you have any questions by leaving a comment below!  

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