The reason why Lamborghini Revuelto is such a failure is because it was not extreme or shocking enough to the world. When it was revealed, it was an insane disappointment; in the year 2023, that’s it???

Also, even when Apple released their new Apple vision concept, it didn’t shock the world. Everyone was already expecting it. Nothing really groundbreaking here.

Then, my personal thought is when you create new things, it must be so insanely different, so insanely shocking to other people. A simple innovation is my new weightlifting concepts, for example 825 pound sumo deadlift rack pull — or 945 pound atlas lift?

For example, seeing somebody deadlift 8 plates and a 25 on each side. That is absolutely unheard of!!

Or to see somebody on a squat rack with nearly 10 plates on it! Over nine plates! Specifically in my case, nine plates, a 35, and a five pounder clipped on the bar.