Money for novel experimentation

For example, we should think of money as a tool as a means to experiment with things we are curious about. For example, when I was most recently in an airplane, taking off and landing, and seeing some epic scenery from the airplane window, I actually really wanted an iPhone Pro or some sort of camera to ultra zoom in to photograph it. maybe this alone is worth the $1100 experiment.

Also, with living styles, or different types of apartments or homes or quarters to live in; I am actually very very curious that if I maximize the amount of natural light inside the apartment condo or house, would that make me happier, more productive, more inspired, more motivated, more entrepreneurial? Theory; even spending $6000 a month in rent in a new type of condo concept can be worth it if it could yield me making an additional $20,000 a month, as a result from my increased mind state? And body state?

Therefore money takes on an interesting approach; perhaps the best way to use money is that you use money as an experimental tool, to hopefully yield you even more money? And then you could reinvest the money into doing even greater, more epic experiments?

Then ultimately, it is not money for the sake of making money, it is money for the sake of even more epic experimentation.