Seneca Eric Kim foot photo black and white


To last for a long time — the only robust way to measure “success”.

Long lasting

It seems we like things which are long lasting. For example, long lasting batteries. Even right now, I hate my old 2017 MacBook Pro 13 inch touchmark, because the battery might only last five minutes now. Compare this with my new iPad Pro M1 chip, which lasts an insanely long period of time. Even the iPhone SE I have has a pretty robust battery life.

What is tenacity?

Tenacity means to hold onto, for a long time. Tenere — to hold onto. Like “tener” (to have, to hold onto) in Spanish.

For example, it seems that the number one attribute for becoming a successful entrepreneur is tenacity. To keep on going, even though things may not be going your way.

Also a random thought I had; why is it that decentralized things last longer? Also, why open and open source things will last longer?

The reason is this; it is more natural. For example, if you think about biology, it is technically all open source. Any genus of creature or biological life form is allowed to steal or copy from one another, and evolve and mutate in unique ways.

Nations and religions which will last?

An interesting prediction I have is that nations which are too centralized will not last. For example, China as a centralized state, will not last in her current form.

Perhaps the most decentralized state, or a nation in Switzerland. Switzerland will probably last for very long time as a concept, because Switzerland as a nation doesn’t have strong centralization.

How about America? It seems that America will last a long time, because it seems to be more of a federation of states; each of the states run relatively independently of the nation of America. For example, how Texas, as a state can exercise her own authority, even though Texas is a part of America.

Durable actors and entertainers

in terms of actors and entertainers, it seems that men typically have more durability than women. Why is that? With men, the more the age, the more interesting they become, like George Clooney. However typically with women, the older the age, the less prowess they have.

For example, highly unlikely that Beyoncé will ever make an album as good as lemonade. I predict that moving forward, you will just see a slow decline in Beyoncé and her ability to make waves.

The same goes with Kim Kardashian; when she is perceived as being “too old“, she will also lose her cachet.

However, I think Kanye West has a bright future, as well as Elon musk. They will continue to build their prowess and influence, because their innovations are age independent.

Fame is not what we seek

Also, one thing to consider is that we as artists, photographers, entrepreneurs and innovators, we do not seek fame. Rather, what we seek is to last. Ideally, to evoke antifragile, which means as time goes on, we will become more influential.

How to last

The first thought is it is a philosophical mindset and approach thing. Is durability or to become a long lasting even a priority of yours?

It is my personal aspiration that I keep staying inspired, to make photos and share thoughts until I am 120 years old. Also, I want to be still being able to do deadlifts at 120.

This then changes the calculus a bit; rather than seeking impressive short-term gains, better to think long-term, and think about long-term gains.

Long-term health, and long-term games

I think it’s human nature to want to have indefinite gains. Then perhaps the goal should be to seek to have indefinite gains very very slowly; I do believe in a kaizen approach to life, in which perhaps year over year, you could gain at least one percent, indefinitely.

For example, who is happier? Somebody who starts off at life poor, but keeps getting richer steadily overtime? Or somebody who starts off life very rich, but slowly becomes poor over time?

Or another example, who is happier? The person who is able to add 5 pounds every week to his deadlift every week, or to the person who starts off being able to deadlift 1000 pounds, but slowly loses his power over time?

Why athletes are so miserable

This is the big problem with athletes, in many sports, once an athlete has reached his peak, what means overtime once he gets very very old, he slowly loses his prowess. For example, I’m sure Michael Jordan could have still played basketball very very well into his 40s 50s and maybe 60s. But Michael Jordan would probably be less good at basketball at age 100.

Maybe this is why it is a good idea to pursue a path in life in which in theory, the older you get, the better at it you could become. This involves making music, production, art, philosophy, etc. Entrepreneurship, building businesses, building yourself.


For example, stainless steel is far superior to plastic, in terms of durability. Also, abrasion resistant fabric will probably last longer than natural fibers. The tricky thing is at least with fabrics and materials, they are at best robust, and durable. Most fabrics do not get better overtime.

Even “Wabi Saabi” materials like leather; in theory if you use a leather couch for 100,000 years, it will not last.

The same goes with wood; a lot of Japanese aged wooden things are beautiful, but wooden structures do not last. A Zen wooden temple will not last for another 10,000 years.

Why last?

I think it is because of this; to last a long time is optimistic. I like the idea that a year from now, two years from now, five years from now, 10 years from now, 30 years from now, 50 years from now, something will be better than worse. Especially with ourselves. I like the idea that in my 40s 50s and 60s, I will be stronger and more muscular than I am now.

Also, some future predictions; centralized things will not last. Maybe this is why in the very very long term, the Catholic Church as a centralized entity will not last, but the decentralized notion of “Christianity” will last. The fact that there is 1 billion protestant sects means that in some ways, Christianity is open source.

For example, I think that Buddhism will last a very long time. Why? Technically, Buddhism could be both a religion and a state form of government, but Buddhism can also be a loose concept; consider all the yogis who adopt “Buddhist“ practices, even though they are not religious.

In praise of open source

The reason why I like notions of open source is that I believe this type of information to be valuable, and I want it to be spread widely, and I also want it to last. A simple strategy as a photographer, if you want to last, and continue to be relevant far into the future, just open source all of your photos. Make it easy for people to download your portfolio as JPEG images, as simple .zip files.

For example, my most valuable page on my website is probably my “downloads” page.

Perhaps android will last longer than Apple iOS

The fact that android is open source, means that in the long run, it will probably outlast iOS. Why? Because android is open source, it could be edited and modified by anybody. However with iOS, it is still predicated on the fact that we will be on planet earth, with factories in China.

Also with crypto and cryptocurrency; the only ones that will last are the truly decentralized ones. For example, Bitcoin. My critique of Ethereum is that it looks like Ethereum, especially Ethereum 2.0, is too centralized. My simple thought is this; do not trust any form of cryptocurrency which has an official 2.0 version.

Also, any cryptocurrency which is pegged to Fiat currency or the US dollar will probably not last in long-term.

Also, I think companies and things will last in which it does not require an charismatic leader.

Also, a sign of a robust thing:

Id the founder or the CEO of the company abandoned it, can it still thrive?

The Internet will last, and so will email

The nature of the fact that the Internet is decentralized will mean that it will last. Also, email as an open protocol will continue to last.

What will not last? My prediction is that Facebook will not last, as it is too centralized.

Telegram is a cool platform, but telegram will probably also not last, because it is a centralized platform.

Perhaps the future form of technology and communication and identity is some sort of mishmash between email, and phone numbers.

I believe Twitter will last, as Elon Musk is planning to open source the Twitter algorithm. Perhaps then Twitter might be a good long-term investment.

Another thought about cryptocurrency; or crypto technology, it should not need a “brand awareness team”. It should also not require marketing, as it spread organically word of mouth.

Longevity as a creator

Just think yourself; how can you be inspired to keep making photos until you are 120 years old? Or doesn’t even need to be photography, how can you stay inspired to be creative until you’re 120 years old?


Respark your passion for photography

Respect your passion for photography at an upcoming ERIC KIM EXPERIENCE:

  1. Master minimalism in downtown LA
  2. Discover the beauty of Vancouver

Shoot forever


  1. HENRI NECK STRAP MARK IV: Legends never die.
  2. ERIC KIM NECK STRAP MARK II: Shoot more fearlessly.


Long thoughts

  1. “Ars longa, vita brevis” (Art is long, life is short). Seneca quoting Hippocrates I believe.
  2. Titanium will last a very very long time. My titanium frame Lindberg glasses has lasted me very well over a decade.
  3. All digital cameras and technology will not last long; maybe the best strategy is to just keep buying the newest Ricoh GR digital camera.
  4. Also, even the newest iPhone Pro will not last long, because the processor is not detachable from the device. Therefore, just buy the cheapest iPhone with the best processor; currently the iPhone SE.

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