The Top 3 Winners of “The Decisive Moment” Street Photography Contest

Street Photography Contest - Decisive Moment

Sorry for the delay, but finally chose the Top-3 Winners of my first international “Decisive Moment” street photography contest! Many of you voted on your favorite submissions to make it to the top 10, and I chose the top three which I felt captured Henri Cartier-Bresson’s aesthetic of what he would have believed to be the “The Decisive Moment”. Congratulations to everyone who submitted and the winners will be awarded Lens Bracelets of their choice!

Stay updated as I have lots of other new street photography contests coming up! Keep reading to see all the amazing images and the stories behind them!

First Prize:

Street Photography Contest - Decisive Moment

Photographer: Pascual Rico Foto

Title: Rush

Location you shot the image: Mexico City

Story: When the rain starts is a good time from pictures. The other day I saw an elder coming to me with a slow step, everybody started to run, but not him. He does not take time less serious, he just walks, slowly patient. He just goes at his own pase. Time simply stops time does not fly. Time. Time to cool off from the heat of my city. Time to be wise and take things calm.

What you love most about street photography: The challenge to photograph strangers, Take risk to win an image, it’s the most incredible thing. See thing other can’t see. Pure adrenaline

Second Prize:

Street Photography Contest - Decisive Moment

Photographer: Philip McAllister

Title: No Admittance

Location: Koala Park Sanctuary – Sydney, Australia (March 2000)

Story: Four adults and four kids, two families on a visit to the Koala Park. The kids spotted the sign and couldn’t resist a peek. This was made with my first digital camera, a 2mp(!) Kodak DC280. It was shot ‘lo-res’ as memory back then was expensive!

What you love about street photography: Street photography for me is always a challenge. There is also an element of risk in making images of complete strangers.The aim for me, is to make an image that is open to interpretation. Questions need to be asked. If there are no questions, the image, for me becomes uninteresting. I believe this is the essence of ‘street photography’.

Of course the attached image is not of complete strangers but I think it is a ‘decisive moment’.

Third Prize:

Street Photography Contest - Decisive Moment

Photographer: Georgie Mathew

Title: The only time to catch them candid..

Story: I like roaming in the streets of Vellore (Tamilnadu, India.. I work as a junior doctor in the Christian Medical college) and making images, especially of children. This was shot in one particularly fine evening. As you may know, kids and camera form an infectious combination.. The moment they see the camera, they start posing and making all sorts of gimmicks. It was very difficult to catch them candid. During my photo shoot with these kids, the only moment I got them natural was this, when all of them are trying to board the moped for a shot on it. The photos before this, are of them standing in rapt attention (military attention) and the images after this are of them smiling at the camera aboard the moped. So I decided to submit this image as the decisive one, among the not so decisive ones.

What I love most about street photography: What I like about Street photography is that the streets of Vellore are so colorful and lively . A great image like this makes me smile at the end of a tiring day of work amidst the patients and all the paraphernalia associated with a big hospital.


Top 7 People’s Choice Winners

Street Photography Contest - Decisive Moment

Photographer: Duy Long Ha

Title: Balloon

Location: Grenoble/ France

Story: I and my wife were looking for my little girl from our children’s keeper. She was crying and don’t want to go home. I just took one shot and take care of her.

What you love most about street photography: Tell a story of people’s life, I can do it everywhere that I go and sharing my work for people

Street Photography Contest - Decisive Moment

Photographer: Bryan Sargent

Title: “Love of Summer”

Location: Times Square, NYC

Story:I was in Times Square to purchase a birthday present for my nephew. As I exited the subway, I was greeted by thousands of people doing yoga in honor of the Summer Solstice. I immediately hoped for a moment when the crowd would raise their arms up in the air. On cue, thousands of arms went up in unison.

What you love most about street photography: It is true and honest. No other genre of photography evokes the level of emotional response that street photography does. Why? Because it is real.

Street Photography Contest - Decisive Moment

hotographer: Fokko Muller

Title: Just Married

Location: Paris, streets of Montmartre

Story behind the picture: I went on the street with the theme ‘shadow chasing’ when I saw this young chinese couple with their marriage photographer shooting pictures.

The light was fantastic so I started shooting some pics of the couple. The pro-photographer told me to quit shooting ….

But how can a street photographer walk away from a scene like this? I ignored him, knowing that he didn’t have to time to really start a discussion with me.

What I love most about street photography: Street photography is my passion, my life. The adrenaline boost I get on the streets is fantastic. Street is always different, you never know what will cross your path. It never happened to me that I didn’t come home with a picture that I enjoy. I love the people in the street, the way they behave, the rhythm of the street. After a couple of hours of street photography i feel very relaxed and satisfied.

Street Photography Contest - Decisive Moment

Photographer: Thanawat Thiasiriphet

Title: Boo!

Location: Bologna, Italy

Story: I spent my holiday in Bologna. Fortunately, there was an event where so many local people were at the main square. This kid sneak behind pigeons then start kicking and chasing then after this picture. The other kids join the fun and I was lucky to sit in the middle of this small party.

What you love most about street photography: To look back at the scene I captured

Street Photography Contest - Decisive Moment

Photographer: Stahle Oscar

Title: “King for a second”

Location: The photo is taken close to the railway station in my home town of Lund in southern Sweden.

Story: I was walking the streets with my Leica M9 and Summicron 35/2 ASPH when I spotted the “Lunds Kommun” poster at the back of the bus stop shelter.
For some reason I immediately spotted the “crown” and saw a picture coming, someone walking by with his/her head just below the crown!
I had to snap about 20 shots of different people passing before I got it right. I am pleased with the outcome. A decisive moment with humour as well.

What I love most about street photography: What I love about street photography is that you “never know what you are going to get” as far as good pictures. I am fascinated by everything that takes place on the street and what we humans are up to.

Street Photography Contest - Decisive Moment

Photographer: Thomas Leuthard

Title: The Crown is Wavering…

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Story: A park in Yerevan where about 8 old men were playing chess and backgammon. We were watching them, talking to them and made some photos. While I was taking a shot of the chess board, the king was
wavering and I knew at this moment that this will be the shot to send in for this contest.

What you love most about street photography:
Street Photography is a way of life. When you have read my two books, you know why.

Street Photography Contest - Decisive Moment

Photographer: Philip Apostol

Title: Lovers take a flight of stairs

Location: Taken at Les Invalides, Paris

Story: I was at the right place at the right time when I captured this moment. As I turn around the corner, I saw the couple going up the stairs. I quickly held my camera to my eye and took the shot in a matter of a second. I was very happy with the result. Great atmosphere and full of mystery. I sense a romance will be going on upstairs.

What you love most about street photography: I love doing street photography. Its very challenging. You really have to conquer your fears and just do it. The scene is always different every single day. I shoot with wide angle lens and it takes a ton of courage to shoot closer to your subject.

What should the theme of my next street photography contest be? Share your thoughts below! 

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