If you really need to focus, don’t record yourself

Some thing I have noticed: when I record myself at the gym, I am less focused. Also, when I attempt a new one rep max, or attempting to lift a very heavy weight, recording myself is hugely distracting and detrimental to my focus. The take away point: if supreme focus is your goal, don’t record yourself.

Also, perhaps the downside of being tracked, is that actually it just ruins our focus. When we know we are being watched, observed, looked at, or tracked, we behave differently.

Similarly speaking, I don’t like my purchases being tracked. When I know that my purchases are being tracked, I am less likely to buy the thing.

This is also the big upside of using cash. You cannot be tracked.

Perhaps this might be the big upside of crypto, crypto technologies, and cryptocurrencies: you can engage in commerce and other things without the distraction or the annoyance of being tracked.