A Review of the Clik Elite Magnesian 20 Camera Bag

For my recent Intermediate Street Photography Workshop in Downtown LA, Todd from Lighting Leica and the kind folks from Clik hooked it up with a Clik Elite Magnesian 20 Camera Bag to test out. When I am out shooting, I typically use the Think Tank Retrospective 5 Camera bag, but at times found it a bit small and with one annoyance: it didn’t have slots for water bottles. The Magnesian 20 Camera Bag is fairly larger than the Think Tank Retrospective 5, and is loaded with two water bottle holders on the side (or you can store lenses or flashes there). Read more to see my mini-review!

Another thing that really stuck out to me about the Clik Elite Magnesian 20 Camera Bag is the super-soft pads on the back. When I had the bag packed with my Canon 5D, YN 560 Flash, two water bottles, and extra batteries and memory cards, it kept my back very comfortable. The shoulder strap is very comfortable as well, with air-foam padding that is quite unique. Not only that, but it has an iPad 2 case in the back (wish I had one to test out inside).

The most fascinating part about the Clik Elite Magnesian 20 Camera Bag is that it has a fascinating circular latch in front. It’s quite hard to explain, but to close the bag it snaps shut, and if you twist the circular latch in front it slides open quite easily. A very wonderful feature and much more refined than using velcro.

All-in-all it is a great camera bag that is compact, comfortable, and very high-quality. When I was out shooting street photography, it helped keep the weight off my back and let me focus on what I love most: shooting.

If you are looking for something that will make your back happy and last you a long time, it retails for $140 and you can pick one up here.

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