Sharpness is a Bourgeois Concept: 15 Great Examples of Street Photography with Blur

Street photography Blur
Daniel Schaefer

This week I announced on my Facebook fan page that the weekly street photography assignment was: “Blur”. I chose this theme because I was inspired by a quote from Henri Cartier-Bresson that “Sharpness is a bourgeoisie concept.” Many of you submitted your great images, and I chose the best images to be featured for this week! Make sure to read more to see the rest of the images, and stay tuned for next week’s assignment by liking me on Facebook!

Street photography Blur
Adhitya Gandaryus
Street photography Blur
Artur Gorniak
Street photography Blur
Beverly Komatsu
Street photography Blur
Carlos Henrique
Street photography Blur
Chio Gonzalez
Street photography Blur
Jeff Mercader
Street photography Blur
Laurent Roch
Street photography Blur
Magnus Persson
Street photography Blur
Marcia Bilyk
Street photography Blur
Michael Penn
Street photography Blur
Muhammad Lukman
Street photography Blur
Nick Beckner
Street photography Blur
Rendy Rizal
Street photography Blur
Ryan Cabal

Whose images are your favorite? Show your love by leaving a comment below!

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