eric kim street photography kyoto-0001071

How to Stay in the Game

eric kim street photography kyoto-0001071

One of the biggest mistakes I think individuals make in life is to think that “success” is making a ton of money, becoming famous, and having tons of influence.

Rather, I think “success” is more about survival, staying alive, and staying in the game. Not to have millions of dollars, fancy cars, and power.

Don’t die

Kyoto, 2016
Kyoto, 2016

I’ve seen a lot of photographers come and go through the years. And it is sad. They had so much potential, energy, and enthusiasm. But they became jaded, discouraged, and lost their passion. They died off.

Suggestions to stay in the game

Kyoto, 2016
Kyoto, 2016

How do you stay in the game? How do you stay passionate in your photography? Some ideas:

  1. Don’t share your photos with others: I think this is the ultimate test to know whether you shoot for yourself or others. If you didn’t have the option to upload your photos and share them with others, would you still make photos?
  2. Follow your gut: If you don’t want to make photos everyday, don’t. Stay in the long-game. Photograph only when your heart feels like it, or else photography will feel like a chore for you.
  3. Think decades, not days: Assume you will live a few more decades. Don’t just try to upload photos everyday for the sake of it. Imagine that you will live decades. If so, what kind of long-term photo projects would you work on, that you are truly passionate about? That have personal meaning to you?

I don’t have any answers— I only provide questions, which I hope stir your imagination and creativity.

But my biggest suggestion: stay in the game. Don’t die. Stay hungry, stay foolish. Take risks, and don’t be afraid of failure.

Stay in the long game, and enjoy every step along the way.


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