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What if Photography Isn’t My Calling?

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Know that photography isn’t everything.

Living a meaningful life, full of purpose, energy, and love is.

1. Photography as a tool

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Know that photography should be a tool for us to find more meaning and happiness in life. We shouldn’t think that the point of life is to become a great photographer. The point of life is to do meaningful work, to help empower others, and to become the best versions of ourself. If your photography isn’t helping you in this positive direction, perhaps it is distracting you.

2. What is your purpose in life?

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What if photography isn’t your calling? What if it is teaching, blogging, making videos, helping others, being a parent, or being a loving friend and advisor?

Photography can be something that will supplement and augment your life. But not the central purpose.

For me, I thought photography was the purpose of my life. Wrong. I think the purpose of my life is to be a teacher— to share information, knowledge, and to help empower others. I just use photography as a teaching tool.

3. Own your photography

Kyoto, 2016
Kyoto, 2016

What is photography to you? What are other skills, passions, or interests you have in life? How can you combine your different passions into your photography?

Don’t just make the point of your life your photography. Use photography as a tool, or bridge, to get to your ultimate destination in life.


Learn more: Personal Photography >