Support Darshan: A Photographic Series on Indian Deities by Manjari Sharma

I recently got an email from my good friend Adam Marelli about a young woman photographer from New York named Manjari Sharma who is currently fundraising money on Kickstarter to complete a photography project titled: “Darshan.” Darshan is a sanskrit word which means sight, vision, or view and what Manajri is trying to accomplish is to prove that a carefully constructed photograph can evoke a similar response to the religious paintings and sculptures.

I believe fervently in the idea of “paying it forward.” Last September, many of you helped donate generous sums of money to fundraise a plane ticket for me to teach a street photography workshop in Beirut, Lebanon. Therefore I decided to help donate $101 dollars to Manjari’s project and help her achieve her dream. If you watch her video on Kickstarter, you can truly see her passion for the project– and I think it is our goal as photographers to support and help one another.

Make sure to watch the video that Manjari Sharma put together about the project below, and head over to her Kickstarter page and donate! Adam Marelli also wrote a great feature on his blog as well, make sure to check it out here.

Make sure to help spread the word by donating, posting this to your blog, Facebook, and Twitter!

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