ERIC KIM and seneca thien anh kim

3 Reasons Why Be Optimistic About Your Photographic Future


Dear friends,

Spring is upon us. There are many reasons to be optimistic about the future, and the future for us photographers. Some thoughts:

1. The future will be better

Seneca film noir high contrast chiaroscuro

The first thought:

As time goes on, things will slowly get better (in regards to COVID and the world pandemic)

Already CVS is starting to roll out more vaccines, and slowly but surely … more people are getting vaccinated. This means:

Sooner or later, a more traveling future awaits you.

The progress will be slow, but certain (certainly better).

2. What future photographic or publishing technologies await us?

seneca and daddy

As time goes on, photographic technology will keep getting better! The Ricoh will continue to evolve and improve, as well as the iPhone and all the other cameras out there.

What I am excited for:

What new innovations will be created and innovated for us photographers to create, publish, share, edit, and organize/sort our photos? as my first step and vision for a radically new social media platform for us photographers to get honest and real feedback on our photos (double blind). I am also working with my buddy Soren on building an image-sorting application as well.

Also other optimistic thoughts:

As technology continues to advance, cameras will continually get better, have more beautiful aesthetics in image-creation, become smaller, more convenient, and better!

So in some simple ways… to have the optimism to just wait for camera and publishing technology to evolve … this is a great reason to keep living!

3. What new life experiences have yet happened to you?

ERIC KIM and seneca thien anh kim

Feb 6, 2021, Cindy birthed Seneca Thien Anh Kim to the world. It was probably (thus far) the most epic, beautiful and meaningful event of my life. But the thing is:

Before Cindy and I got pregnant, or birthed this child … we had no idea how beautiful it would truly be.

Also since little baby Seneca has come along, he has become (after Cindy) my great photographic muse. I never tire of photographing him. Why?

Even if I photograph him in the same arrangement every day (for example, him sleeping in his bassinet), he keeps looking different and evolving every day.

To witness the miracle of growth is quite phenomenal. And as a photographer, it has brought a new huuuuuge surge of photographic inspiration and motivation for myself.

So the takeaway is this:

As you continue to live your life, your life will change and evolve in ways you cannot even imagine … and all these moments will be both joyful (and tragic), but all of it will give opportunities to making meaningful photos!

So friends, let us continue to be strong, endure difficulty, and know that a more beautiful and uber-abundant future awaits us as photographers!


Never Shoot Without It: The Photographer’s Wallet

The perfect wallet for you, for all of your current (and future) photography adventures:


5 Photography assignment ideas:

spring flowers
  1. Photographing SPRING: Make ‘spring’ your theme, and go out and shoot it!
  2. Photograph quarantined home life. Photograph your family, plants, animals, pets, friends, or anyone. Strive to make the maximally artistic image of them possible.
  3. Photograph streams of light which enter your home — whether sunrise, mid-day light, or sunset.
  4. Make beautiful compositions of common objects around your home
  5. Chiaroscuro assignment: High contrast black and white photos of anything — whether indoors or outdoors.

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And remember our motto:

When in doubt, just shoot it!