7 Simple Creative Photography Ideas during COVID-19


Dear friends,

So the way it looks, it looks like that COVID ain’t going away anytime soon. So why not use this chance to just re-up your photography skills? Some simple and practical thoughts and ideas for you:

  1. Do a textures photography project: Shoot gritty textures in and around your neighborhood. You can do this at home (photograph sponges, different gritty textures) or just do a quick loop around the block and perhaps shoot naturey stuff.
  2. Go to the beach! Beach street photography is truly great. Just mask up and go to the beach. Shoot kids playing in the water, or photograph any other folks at the beach. Or just shoot the waves; also another legitimate thing.
  3. Practice shooting video: If your camera has 4K or 1080p, practice shooting it! Experiment with different FPS (frames per second). Moving photos (videos) are also creative.
  4. Shoot (more) selfies of yourself. Photograph yourself your everyday life. Photograph yourself with and without a face mask. Also shoot friends, family, and close family members, or even your furry friends (if you got any).
  5. Photograph your meals and a ‘day in the life’. Remember you don’t gotta share all your photos with the whole world. You can just shoot for yourself and keep the photos on your hard drive, or just print them out.
  6. Learn film: Perhaps you can teach yourself to start shooting film (black and white) and process it at home. FILM NOTES as a good starting point.
  7. Just use your phone or the easiest camera: Experiment with different filters on your phone (try all of them), and also try all the different processing filters on your JPEG settings on your digital camera. Shoot the same thing, with different filters and see how it affects your images!

What now?

My prediction:

Things will never go back to the way they were.

So perhaps we can think:

Given that we live in a brave new COVID world, how can I best thrive as a photographer and visual artist?

  1. Shoot ‘socially distant’ photos and street photography
  2. Do more personal photos of yourself, friends and family
  3. Imagine a future WITHOUT travel. Use this as an impetus to make the best use of your life, right now!

Also if you’re in the Boston-New-York, East Coast, Connecticut New Jersey area, I still got spots for my upcoming September 19-20th Discover Your Unique Voice in Street Photography workshop in Boston. For returning student discounts or special educational pricing (or if you are in need of a partial scholarship to the workshop) please email my workshops manager Neil at neilta@gmail.com and he can further assist you (please do not respond to this email directly).

More turbo thoughts:

  1. The best new portfolio is a dynamic website portfolio (in praise of starting your own website).
  2. Think of yourself less as a ‘photographer’ and more of a visual artist.


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