ERIC KIM outside frame composition

On Discovering Your Own Style, Voice and Approach as a Photographer

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Dear friend,

Some quick thoughts on discovering your own voice in photography:

First of all, start with your voice. Each person has a unique voice particular to only him or herself. No matter what, you cannot change your voice which means:

Have pride in your voice.

Second: then think to yourself:

How can I best make photos which reflect my voice, instead of making photos to please others?

This means:

Know what your personal voice and style is and THEN figure out how to make photos to best reflect your voice.

One again:

Discover who you are as a human being, and make your photos follow.

Why this distinction? Too often we try to go out and make ‘good photos’ (whatever that means). Instead, better to simply live your life and have your camera tag along.

Some basic ideas:

1. Just shoot with the smallest, least obtrusive camera possible.

  • cindy Cuba eye juxtaposition
  • cindy smile wave Cuba

For example, RICOH GR III, Ricoh GR II, iPhone, Fujifilm XF10, or any other compact or ‘pocketable’ camera. I am even for just bringing along a GoPro with yourself, and just shooting whatever you see and witness.

2. Don’t strive to make ‘good’ photos, strive to make authentic and personal photos

This means just photograph your everyday life

Best to look at your photos and think to yourself:

How do my own personal photos reflect how I see, interact and engage with the world?

3. Only share photos you personally love and care for.

  • Selfie ERIC KIM Yale upwards looking
  • ERIC KIM Yale library selfie
  • ERIC KIM outside frame composition

Share your photos on your blog, website, or to To ‘curate’ your portfolio of images simply means:

Only share photos you care for (the word ‘curate’ comes from the latin word ‘cura’ which means “care”).

4. Just keep shooting

Lastly, ain’t no end-game or end-goal. Just keep shooting!


Discover your own unique voice and approach in photography at an upcoming ERIC KIM WORKSHOP

To keep learning, check out the HAPTIC INDUSTRIES SHOP and also my free books


What is ERIC up to?

  1. Working out at my home gym
  2. Reading (really enjoying Juvenal’s “Satires”)
  3. Walking a lot, thinking a lot, making a lot of photos, videos, podcasts, and new YouTube videos.

Motivational photo quotes to get you going:

  1. “You don’t take a picture, you make it.” – Ansel Adams — [Make, Don’t Take Photos]
  2. “Seeking the maximum … that is what has always interested me” – Josef Koudelka
  3. “All photos are nothing but a sketch!” – Henri Cartier-Bresson

Learn more from the masters of photography >

Free e-book: 100 Lessons From the Masters of Street Photography

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