Why All Competitors Must Cheat

My critique of competition:

It “low-key” coerces you into cheating in order to win the prizes which are honored by society.

Or in other words:

If you can cheat and get away with it… why wouldn’t you cheat?

False view of reality

How to Augment Your Muscle Mass

The reason why I am ‘all natty’ is this:

I am interested in using myself as an experiment to seeing the limits of the human body.

I take no protein powder, supplements, creatine or weird stuff. I only drink black coffee, eat red meat, and eat dark bitter greens (kale, collard greens, etc). I fast during the day and break my fast Ramadan style when the sun goes down. And what is my ultimate quest?

Figure out how we can best increase our muscle mass and decrease our body fat percentage *WITHOUT* strange modern ‘supplements’.

This is also a critique of the supplement industry.