Critique of the Supplement Industry

Why I hate the supplement industry with a passion:



Why the supplement industry is unethical:

It predates (predatory nature) towards people who are less critical, less informed and people who are easily gullible.

For example as a kid, I always wanted to get super swole. But I got suckered into thinking:

I can only get super swole if I take protein powder, whey protein, casein protein etc in order to augment my ‘gains‘.

Now I have proven this is not the case — one doesn’t need protein powder or weird supplements to get super swole. All one needs is cheap industrial meat, and an appetite for lifting heavy weights and stressing your muscles and body. And good old-fashioned meat. And no — eating meat won’t make you fat, eating meat won’t kill you blah blah blah. The Coca-Cola and Big Sugar industry bias is this:

They want to shift the blame from sugar-consumption to meat-consumption (red herring tactic).

How body-building is sooooo profitable

Consider the whole supplement industry thrives off of men’s male insecurity of themselves and physique. A supplement industry can only be profitable based off ‘FOMO marketing‘ (fear of missing out of your gains) instead of the (less) profitable meat industry.

Also —

Have you realized that eating meat has been soooo demonized, but somehow drinking alcohol (‘in moderation’) is okay?

The ethics of marketing

Meat Mute

Certainly consuming protein powder or whatever supplements won’t kill you. But … we should be very wary of all these lobbyist groups which try to sway public opinion towards a certain angle for economic gain.

I say:

Politicians should simply be more transparent in terms of who they receive lobbying funds from … kind of like a Nascar driver who shows all the sponsors on their chest.

Allow people to do as they please

The goal then is to allow maximal transparency and information-sharing with people, individuals and society… but let people make their own independent decision. This is my interjection.



american eagle black
  2. How to Effectively Administer Propaganda
  3. American is an Attitude
  4. The American Race
  5. All is Biased.
  6. Tolerance vs Acceptance
  8. Morphologyism
  9. The American Race
  10. Race ain’t Real; Morphology is.