Intolerance and Proselytization

It seems that many organizations, religions, or even brand-worshipping groups are cults. Cult as in a shared body of people who follow a certain culture.

Religions, cults, or groups are fine, as long as they aren’t intolerant towards the beliefs of others, and as long as they aren’t militant (physically violent) in trying to proselytize and convert others. In other words:

Leave others alone, and don’t force them (by threat of physical violence or socio-economic violence) to do as you do, or do as your group does.

Note the intolerant left and what they are currently doing.

In praise of Jehovah’s Witnesses

I think the religious group that does it the best is Jehovah’s Witnesses. They are quite peaceful, they just stand in a corner off to the side, smile, are friendly, and don’t approach you. They wait for you to come to them (pull marketing, instead of push marketing).

Compare them to the Mormons. They are very friendly, but a bit more ‘aggressive’ in terms of their proselytization in terms of approaching you, knocking on your door, etc. Once again, the Mormons are quite friendly and nice people (they will often approach you and ask you about Jesus or something like that). But they aren’t militant, nor will they openly say you’re “gonna go to hell” like some of the Bible-thumpers out there with the crazy signs.


It seems the best way to convert people is through subtle suggestion, or just standing there and letting others come to you (pull marketing). The less violent, aggressive and intolerant your marketing is, the better.



  1. All Press is Good Press.
  2. No Marketing, No Future
  3. Photography Marketing 101
  4. Photography Marketing
  5. How to Master Marketing
  6. Fear Marketing 101
  7. FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) MARKETING