Degrees of Free Will

My turbo thought when walking around:

Certainly free will exists. However this is the caveat —

Some people have *MORE* free will than others. Also, free will can be cultivated like a muscle.

It don’t matter how ‘genetically gifted you are’ (I am not), but with enough time, training, and meat consumption … any human being can become incredibly strong and muscular. For me, I am Korean-American and around 5 foot 10 inches, with no remarkable physical traits (my dad is a typical ‘skinny fat‘ degenerate). I have relatively small hands and wrists. Yet I was able to train to get a 1-rep max (sumo) deadlift of 455 pounds (4 plates and a 25 on each side), with no belt, no steroids, no protein powder, no straps, no weird stuff. And while fasted!

So how do we augment our free will strength?