Subtract not add

Better to Subtract than to Add

Subtraction is often better than addition. For example to become “happier” in life, better to SUBTRACT or GET RID OF things which stress you out or make you miserable. To become more productive, better to SUBTRACT and GET RID OF distractions which sap away your focus. Even when it comes to technology, tools, gadgets, gizmos and certain lifestyle things, subtraction is superior to addition.

However this is the problem— much of capitalism and consumerism depends on adding stuff to our life and buying stuff. To be a minimalist or to simplify or get rid of things is kind of anti capitalist and consumerist.

An idea:

What if you can build a “via negativa” business like Marie Kando in which you can make money by helping people subtract BS from their life?

Or like the great Freedom application which TURNS OFF and DISABLES your wifi on your laptop to encourage more productivity.

For photography to build your self esteem and to augment your photographic creativity, CUT OUT or DELETE Instagram!