"Hail", NYC - Khai Pin

13 Inspirational Examples of Travel Street Photography

"Hitchcock" - Hamburg, Germany - Thomas Leuthard
"Hitchcock" - Hamburg, Germany - Thomas Leuthard

Recently on my Facebook fan page and Twitter, I asked you to send in your favorite street photographs taken while traveling. Check all the images below to see inspirational images from all over the world! Make sure to follow me to stay updated with the new weekly assignments. Read more to see all the other amazing images.

"Reach" - NYC - Andrew Miller
"Reach" - NYC - Andrew Miller
"Business" - Hong Kong - Chio Gonzalez
"Business" - Hong Kong - Chio Gonzalez
"0161" - Brixton, London, UK - Marco Novo
"0161" - Brixton, London, UK - Marco Novo
"Hail" - NYC - Khai Pin
"Hail" - NYC - Khai Pin
New Orleans - Anindya Chakraborty
New Orleans - Anindya Chakraborty
Snake Doc' - Lake Phewa, Pokhara - Pichaya V.
Snake Doc' - Lake Phewa, Pokhara - Pichaya V.
"Untitled" - London - Simon Wallerstedt
"Untitled" - London - Simon Wallerstedt
"Bruges busker" - Bruges - Tim Allen
"Bruges busker" - Bruges - Tim Allen
">>" - Denver, CO, 2011 - Santi Garcia
">>" - Denver, CO, 2011 - Santi Garcia
NYC - Jen May
NYC - Jen May
"One Expensive Puff" - Mapusa Market, Goa, India - Lovell D'souza
"One Expensive Puff" - Mapusa Market, Goa, India - Lovell D'souza
"Hectic" - Paris - Fokko Muller
"Hectic" - Paris - Fokko Muller

Do you have more examples of your own travel street photography? If so, leave a comment below with a link to your image and share the love!

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