Interview with Karl Edwards on Starting StreetShootr, Street Photography as a Harmonica, and How to Shoot with a Leica

I just did a fun interview with my good friend Karl Edwards (he runs StreetShootr) and has a blast chatting about his start in street photography, his tension between shooting film and digital, practical tips on how to shoot with a Leica, his favorite photography books, and why he likens shooting street photography to playing a harmonica. The format is similar to when I “ambush” interviewed him in Provincetown as a part of the Magnum workshop.

You can see Karl’s work on Flickr and his Website. Make sure to check out StreetShootr and to follow on Twitter.

Read more to see his photos and the street photographers he recommends to check out!

Photos by Karl Edwards

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Show notes

Here are some photographers Karl recommends checking out on Flickr:

And a few photobooks Karl recommends:

I also have an upcoming interview with StreetShootr soon, stay in the loop!


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